Featured Reports

CBC/Radio-Canada launches new National Accessibility Plan to better serve and represent Canadians with disabilities

The new Accessibility Plan provides a framework for CBC/Radio-Canada to better serve people with disabilities, better represent them in its content, and become the accessible public broadcaster that…


Enhanced future focus for RNZ

RNZ is starting a new chapter with a strengthened purpose as Aotearoa's non-commercial public media organisation.

Pacific Media Network

Pacific Media Network introduces menopause and menstrual leave

The Pacific Media Network has introduced menopause and menstrual leave, the first company in Aotearoa, New Zealand to adopt e policy.

Recent News

PSM Weekly | 20 – 26 January 2021

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

Content for PMA members: Hidden threats in your takeout

We are pleased to once again partner with Orb Media to provide PMA members with high-quality, adaptable content about sustainability issues worldwide.

Hopes for editorial independence restored as USAGM CEO resigns

Hopes for editorial independence restored as USAGM CEO resigns. This follows serious concerns about politicisation and editorial interference during his tenure.

SABC employees go on strike as retrenchment process resumes

Labour unions begin strike action and organise a possible blackout as South Africa’s public broadcaster continues to implement its Section 189 process.

‘Citizens’ ombudsman’ pushes back against the ruin of Brazilian public media

PMA welcomes the creation of Ouvidoria Cidadã as a positive step towards more accountable and independent public media in Brazil.  

PSM Weekly | 13 – 19 January 2021

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

Focus on PSM | Hong Kong

The situation facing independent and public media in Hong Kong went from bad to worse in 2020 with the imposition of a new National Security Law.

Serious concerns for transparency and journalist safety during Uganda’s general election

Uganda’s general election takes place amid significant threats to independent media.

Die zunehmende Bedrohung für die Sicherheit von Journalisten und Journalistinnen

In den vergangenen Jahren haben die Bedrohungen und Einschüchterungen von Journalistinnen und Journalisten an Ausmaß und Intensität zugenommen. Besonders für Journalistinnen wächst der Grad dieser…

The increasing threats to journalists’ safety

In this commentary article published in the Toronto Star, Catherine Tait, CBC/Radio-Canada President and CEO, writes in her capacity as Chair of the Global Task Force for public media about the…

PSM Weekly | 6 – 12 January 2021

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.