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Grayscale press conference

PSM Weekly | 22 – 28 March 2023

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

Der Schwarm promotion image.

ARD and ZDF launch a joint streaming network

The shared network, due to launch in a few weeks, will bring together the streaming libraries of both Germany’s public broadcasters.

public service media (PSM) Values

Understanding public service media

As debates on the future of public service media intensify, it’s essential for us all to reflect on their core values and fundamental role in democratic society.

Recent News

Hong Kong: Growing pressure on editorial independence and press freedom

The editorial independence of Hong Kong’s public broadcaster RTHK comes under increasing pressure as a new security law poses a direct threat to journalists and press freedom

ABC journalists could still face prosecution

Almost a year on from the unprecedented federal police raid on ABC, journalists Samuel Clark and Daniel Oakes could still face prosecution for their investigative reports, the Afghan Files.  

SABC asks government for a budget review

South Africa’s public broadcaster has called on the government to review its budget as COVID-19 takes its toll on advertising revenues and acquisitions.  

PSM Weekly | 20 – 26 May 2020

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

Government proposes wage freeze for ABC staff

Concern that proposal to freeze wages could pose a threat to Australian public broadcaster’s independence.

ABS-CBN provisional licence delayed

Congress suspends ABS-CBN’s provisional licence and turns to deliberating lengthier 25-year licence renewal bill, which will see the broadcaster shut for longer.

CPB requests additional emergency funds from Congress 

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is requesting an additional $175 million in emergency funds to secure the survival of US public media against a backdrop of newsroom layoffs and closures. 

PSM Weekly | 13 – 19 May 2020

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

Global Call Out: COVID-19 takes its toll on independent media

It is essential that citizens have access to accurate, timely and independent news and information during crises and emergencies. Yet despite the current pandemic, journalists and media outlets face…

Assistance and best practices for remote broadcasting during COVID-19

As many journalists adapt to working from home, what are the best practices for broadcasting away from the studio?

The financial impact of Covid-19 on European public broadcasters

Many European public broadcasters are feeling the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly those with mixed-funding models that rely on advertising as a source of income.