TVP Poland

Poland: Proposed law set to boost prominence of controversial public broadcaster

An amendment to the Broadcasting Act’s “must carry, must offer” principle aims to up the prominence of the country’s embattled public broadcaster.

President Duda in front of Polish flags

Poland: Media freedom groups urge President Duda to veto ‘Lex-TVN’

PMA joins media freedom and journalist organisations in writing letter to Polish president urging him to drop Lex-TVN

TVN24 Poland

Poland: Senate rejects controversial media ownership bill

Bill criticised as a serious threat to independent news media and media freedom has been rejected by Poland’s Senate. But there are fears the bill could still pass following its return to the Sejm.

TVN24 Poland

Poland: Senate must reject media ownership bill

PMA calls on Poland’s Senate to reject the controversial media ownership bill, which poses a serious threat to media independence and pluralism.