Global Task Force

Erklärung der Global Task Force zum Angriff auf Rundfunkeinrichtungen in Kiew

Die 'Global Task Force for public media' (GTF) verurteilt den russischen Angriff auf einen Fernsehturm und Sendeanlagen in Kiew, der offensichtlich darauf abzielt, den ukrainischen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern mitten im Krieg genaue Informationen vorzuenthalten.

Global Task Force

Global Task Force statement on the attack of broadcasting facilities in Kyiv

The Global Task Force (GTF) for public media condemns the Russian attack at a TV tower and broadcasting facilities in Kyiv, which is seemingly an effort to deprive Ukrainian citizens of accurate information in the midst of a war.

Kyiv tower

PMA condemns attack on Kyiv TV tower

The Public Media Alliance condemns any targeted attacks by Russia on the broadcasting infrastructure of Ukraine. We again emphasise that journalists in any democratic country must be free and safe to go about their work and provide citizens with facts.