Buenos Aires Argentina

The precarious future of public media in Argentina

Amid elections in Argentina, the fate of public service media is precarious with one candidate proposing to remove the company entirely.

A white van parked on the side of a road with rtbf branding.

How RTBF reaches young voters

Ahead of Belgium’s federal elections, Belgium’s public broadcaster, RTBF, is heading to schools to connect with the young voters.

TVN24 Poland

Poland: Senate rejects controversial media ownership bill

Bill criticised as a serious threat to independent news media and media freedom has been rejected by Poland’s Senate. But there are fears the bill could still pass following its return to the Sejm.

South Korea National Assembly

South Korea to vote on concerning “fake news” law

South Korea may soon join the growing ranks of countries whose governments are introducing so-called “fake news” laws.

TVN24 Poland

Poland: Senate must reject media ownership bill

PMA calls on Poland’s Senate to reject the controversial media ownership bill, which poses a serious threat to media independence and pluralism.