Global Task Force

Das Tschechische Fernsehen (Česká Televize) in Gefahr

Die ‘Global Task Force for public media’ (GTF) ist tief besorgt über die jüngsten Entwicklungen in Tschechien, die die Unabhängigkeit des Tschechischen Fernsehens (Česká Televize, CT) und seine maßgebliche Rolle für die Demokratie des Landes zu untergraben drohen.

Global Task Force

The threat facing Czech TV (Česká Televize)

The Global Task Force for public media is gravely concerned by recent developments in the Czech Republic which risk undermining the independence of Czech TV and its vital role in the country’s democracy.

Groupe de Travail Mondial

La menace qui pèse sur l’avenir du diffuseur public tchèque (Česká Televize)

Le Groupe de travail mondial pour les médias publics est grandement préoccupé par les récents développements en République tchèque qui risquent de miner l’indépendance du diffuseur public tchèque et le rôle essentiel qu’il joue dans la démocratie du pays.

Czech Television

PMA condemns attempts to undermine the independence of Czech TV

The Public Media Alliance endorses statements by the Global Task Force for public media, EBU and MFRR against the politicisation of Czech public broadcaster.

Czech Television

Independence of Czech Television under threat

Changes to the public broadcaster’s supervisory body sparks concern about the future of its independence.


COVID-19: Amplifying the threats to public media

From political interference to funding cuts, many independent public media organisations are facing both new and ongoing threats. Here we reflect on some of these challenges, many of which have been amplified by the COVID-19 crisis.