PSM Weekly

Our weekly round-up of public service media news stories from around the world. 11-17 July.

Media outlets face further restrictions in Thailand

Thai media face further restrictions as Prime Minister gives sweeping powers to broadcast and press regulators.

Pacific media at the centre of conference

Pacific media will be one of the key issue to discuss at the World Journalism Education Congress in New Zealand.

New rise of community media in Brazil

While the mainstream media devotes attention to the upcoming Olympics and the often unflattering portraits of favelas, community media in Brazil is rising to provide an alternative story.

SABC to face court to stop censorship measures

The South African broadcaster continues to be in turmoil, as protests continue and court bid begins to prevent further censorship measures.

The week in public service media

Our weekly round-up of public service media news stories from around the world.

Our travel bursars have returned!

Read about our recently returned travel bursars and their unique experiences with broadcasters around the world

Poland’s conservative government continues to interfere with public media

Poland’s government control of public state media hasn't faltered, with at least 163 journalists and media professionals being fired or leaving their positions.

PSM research websites

Featured research websites
Read through our list of useful websites and recommended organisations that specialise in PSM and other relevant media research.

Media professionals answer back to SABC censorship

South African public service broadcasting is experiencing deep unrest following a series of measures which are limiting the production of and access to news in the country.