
Welcome to our shared public media research and resource page in collaboration with IAPMR and MJRC

Here you will find a broad selection of recommended journals, reports, websites and guides related to the core values of public service media, as well as specially-commissioned Research Insights – blogs, op-eds, pieces, written by leading researchers and academics on a chosen subject.

Topics include best practices, country reports and the mounting challenges faced by PSM worldwide such as media capture, diminishing budgets and media convergence.

The resources below have been curated by the Public Media Alliance in collaboration with the International Association of Public Media Researchers (IAPMR) and the Media and Journalism Research Center (MJRC). You can find out more about our collaborators at the bottom of the page.

Is there something we have missed? Please get in touch, we would be pleased to review it here. Also see the Our Publications section for our own reports and handbooks as well as the InnoPSM website. We also keep track of research news and calls for papers.

Most of the following resources are open-source but some contain links to articles that require an institutional log-in to view. Please refer to your University, institution or employer if this is the case.

Research Insights

A collection of articles written by leading researchers & academics from around the world, especially commissioned for PMA and IAPMR.

Illustration of a group of friends sat on a couch watching TV

Switching off: Young audiences, streaming and public media

The outlook for public media is not encouraging with young audiences turning to streaming services much more than public media.

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Image of angry emojis, Facebook logo and Australian flag

Bargaining codes: Do they have a future?

With Facebook shutting down its news tab, what does that mean for laws that are trying to persuade it to fund public interest journalism?

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Coronavirus: Resources & best practices

Essential resources for sourcing and reporting news about the coronavirus pandemic

Research & Resources

Use the headers below to filter resources

Future-Proofing the UK’s Public Service Media

This policy brief outlines the effect of global platforms on public media in the UK, and provides analysis and recommendations.

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Towards a Future-Proof Public Service Media?

This policy brief outlines key discoveries and conversations on PSM and platformisation in several markets in Europe and Canada.

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Democracy and Public Service Broadcasting

This EBU report offers broadcasters a way to respond to challenges when measuring the role of PSM as a reliable and stable source of information.

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Shifting TV Audience Expectations in the UK during Covid-19

This paper examines how the growth of subscription video on demand might alter the cultural meanings people attach to television.

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Addressing AI Intelligibility in Public Service Journalism

This research explores the use of artificial intelligence at BBC News, and the levels of literacy and understanding staff have of it.

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News Personalisation and Public Service Media: The Audience Perspective

This research looks at audience expectations and concerns about news content curated using artificial intelligence.

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The Governance of Artificial Intelligence in Public Service Media

This report examines both the opportunities and questions which artificial intelligence raises for public service broadcasters.  

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PSM countering disinformation: opportunities and challenges

This report shows how important it is for PSM to be independent to carry out their mission against disinformation.

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Traditional broadcasting features in VoD services

This study shows how traditional broadcasting theories are compatible with the increasingly trending digital platforms and on-demand services.

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Public Service Media’s contribution to Society

This research rethinks the contribution of PSM to society to recover its initial and essential mission.

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Public Service Media: Bridging Values and Trust

This research focuses on the reasons why public service media have generally remained trusted institutions despite the rise of tech.

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Business models and sustainability in the newspaper industry

This article seeks to comprehend the viability of media business models and how media executives deal with digital change in the market.

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Public service media as drivers of innovation

This article examines PSM's innovation strategies and policies to determine if they are becoming user-centric rather than technology-centric.

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Nordic countries’ digital strategies and third-party platforms

The research examined four Nordic PSM who expressed their doubts regarding the distribution of their content on third party platforms.

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Public Service Broadcasters’ Strategies About Radio Apps

The article explores how public service radio stations switch to radio apps and what principles they adopt in order to compete.

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Our Partners

We are pleased to partner with the IAPMR and MJRC for this resource


The International Association of Public Media Researchers (IAPMR) brings together quality academic and industrial research from different disciplines. We support the continual evolution of public service media by aggregating theory and practice.  We look critically from industrial, production, audience, technological, economic and societal perspectives. We run conferences, produce publications and communicate knowledge to academia, industry, governments, and publics.


The Media and Journalism Research Center is an independent media research and policy think tank that seeks to improve the quality of media policymaking and the state of independent media and journalism through research, knowledge sharing and financial support. MJRC continues the work of the Center for Media, Data & Society (CMDS), which until October 2022 operated as a unit of Central European University (CEU).

Header Image: Students Experimenting With Video Software stock photo. Credit: TommL/iStock