The latest events related to the world of public service media

From conferences to symposiums and launch dates, we strive to highlight a wide range of international public service media events.

PMA events

Events being hosted by PMA, or events which we are partnering on!

Radiodays Asia 2024

The Public Media Alliance is once again partnering with Radiodays Asia in Kuala Lumpur, and offering exclusive discounts for staff at PMA-member organisations. 

Radiodays Asia is the international meeting point for the radio, audio and podcast industry in the Asia-Pacific. Its purpose is sharing experiences and learning about international media trends, new technology, content development and business opportunities.

PMA Members can access a special rate for tickets by contacting us here.

Dates: 2 – 4 September 2024

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PBI 2024

Credit: CBC/Radio-Canada
The Public Media Alliance will be in Ottawa, Canada, for this year’s Public Broadcasters International (PBI) conference, hosted by CBC/Radio-Canada.

Public service media face a range of challenges today — in some cases, existential challenges. This forum brings together the most senior leaders in the field to discuss — and tackle — some of the most important issues we face. The theme for this year’s edition is: “Public service media: Why we matter”.

Dates: 8 – 10 October 2024

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PSM Unpacked [Recurring]

The challenges facing public service media are not only growing but are also shared more widely than ever before. From funding to journalist safety, this series of roundtable forums is designed for PMA members to discuss these challenges and also share innovations, successes and solutions.

Each session, a small group of employees at PMA member organisations gather to informally exchange knowledge and best practices, and discuss how their organisations manage operations across different subject areas.

The sessions are organised on a regular basis, and bring together people in similar positions at like-minded organisations. They are also good networking opportunities, so staff can meet and speak with their global peers.

Date: 17 July 2024

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Month by month

Upcoming events related to public service media

South Asia News Media Festival 

Date: 22-26 July 2024 

Venue: News Delhi, India 

Delve into the issues facing the news media industry and participate in putting forward tangible remedies for industry influencers. Unravel prospective business models driven by innovation. Get ideas on tools and techniques to keep pace with the consistently discerning consumer. Learn about habit formation for news publishers. Get insights into the expanding range of advertising opportunities. Explore digital transformation, how best to harness technology and training, and what is next.

Text sourced from INMA

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Priorities for tackling disinformation and use of deepfakes in the UK

Date: 23 July 

Venue: Online 

This conference will focus on priorities for tackling the spread of disinformation and malicious uses of deepfakes.

It is bringing stakeholders and policymakers together to assess current and emerging disinformation trends in the UK amidst heightened concerns amongst policymakers and affected parties.

With the issues being highlighted as a focus in general election campaigning, the conference will be a timely opportunity for delegates to discuss priorities for policy in the new parliament.

Text sourced from the Westminster Forum Projects

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Silencing the Fourth Estate: Italy’s Democratic Drift

Date: 29July 

Venue: Online 

On July 29, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) will host a webinar to mark the publication of the final report following the MFRR mission to Rome.

Amid unprecedented political interference in public media, widespread use of legal intimidation against dissenting journalists by government officials, a problematic defamation reform put forward by the ruling coalition, and the potential acquisition of AGI by one of Lega’s MPs, the MFRR organised an urgent mission to Italy on May 16 and 17, 2024.

Text sourced from the Media Freedom Rapid Response

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Advertising and Audience management for Digital Broadcast Media Africa 2024

Date: 7-8 August 2024

Venue: Johannesburg, South Africa 

Through a mixture of innovative presentations, executive sessions, group

discussions and country updates, key themes and topics for this summit will


  •  Models to strengthen audience growth and monetisation for broadcast media
  •  Rethinking strategies to grow audiences and revenues through effective audience measurement
  • Strategies to grow audiences and revenues through effective audience measurement
  • Audience data and consumer analytics to drive multi-platform media effectiveness
  • Understanding multi-media metrics for audience measurement data

Text sourced from Broadcasting & Media

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Africa News Media Summit 2024 

Date: 8-9 August 2024 


A most eventful year is expected ahead for Africa with no less than 11 national elections in key countries such as South Africa, Senegal, and Ghana.

As 2024 finds African leaders raising their voices on global stages addressing fiscal and environmental matters, it is more important than ever that the critical matter of upskilling, training, and equipping our teams is not a luxury — but a bare minimum if we expect to thrive through an accelerated digital transition.

African media professionals must acquire knowledge and understanding of today’s revenue opportunities, technologies, and the journalistic practices that will sustain and elevate us going forward.

Join INMA at the fifth annual Africa News Media Summit, where African media leaders come together to discuss media innovation, newsroom transformation successes and challenges, digital platform initiatives, revenue turnaround cases as we seek to bring practical and useful support for the business of journalism — all through an African lens.

Text sources from INMA

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Summer School of Investigative Reporting

Date: 15-17 AUGUST 2024

Venue: Stockholm School of Economics, Riga

Summer School of Investigative Reporting is an annual three-day event that takes place in Riga and has become one of the hottest and most impactful meeting places for media professionals in the region. World-class speakers, inspiring sessions, international networking. One event – many opportunities!

Text sourced from JournalismFund Europe

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Edinburgh TV Festival

Date: 20-23 August 

Venue: Edimburgh 

Annual event, now in its 49th year, offering more than 70 keynotes, debates and masterclasses. Highlights include Meet the Controller sessions, the MacTaggart Lecture and the Edinburgh TV Awards.

Text sourced from Broadcast

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Asia/Pacific News Media Summit 2024 

Date: 29-30 August 

Venue: Online

This free APAC news media summit will provide attendees with the news industry’s best practices from media companies in the region and outside, overview of the state of media, and what lies ahead for growth.

Gain insights on relevant macro issues and global growth drivers applicable to moving forward in Asia Pacific, during a two-day virtual news media summit — in a way only INMA can deliver.

Text sourced from INMA

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b° future festival

Date: 3-5 OCTOBER 2024 

Venue: Bonn, Germany 

With the b° future festival, the Bonn Institute will bring together all those who are committed to future-oriented journalism that is good for society: critical, constructive, and focused on the needs of our multi-faceted populations.

We want to spark a dialogue about issues that are essential for the future and ask: How can journalism report in a way that resonates with audiences and counteracts hate speech, fake news, and polarisation – even in times of war and climate change? What can we do to ensure that journalism becomes as diverse as our societies already are?

Text sourced from JournalismFund Europe

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Date: 8-9 October 2024 

Venue: Geneva, Switzerland 

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Mental Health in Journalism Summit 

Date: 8-10 October 2024 

Venue: Online 

The Mental Health in Journalism Summit will be an inspiring arena to reflect on our profession, share good practices for mental health, and nurture a global movement that prioritizes a healthy work culture in the media sector. The program will feature sessions in English and Spanish.

Mental health has become one of the most important challenges for media professionals all over the world. Burnout, anxiety, PTSD and vicarious trauma are on the rise.

It’s time to stop this invisible pandemic, together.

Join us for this first-ever online summit, a global and free event. The Summit is designed for managers, editors, reporters, freelancers, and anyone working in the media industry, as well as those in academic institutions, journalism unions, and associations. 

Text sourced from The Self Investigation

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EU DisinfoLab 2024 Annual Conference

Date: 9-10 October 2024 

Venue: Riga, Latvia

EU DisinfoLab annual conference is back on 9-10 October 2024, at the Radisson Blu Latvija Conference & Spa Hotel in Riga, Latvia, bringing our community together once again. The conference will gather leading specialists from diverse backgrounds, exploring the pressing challenges in the realm of disinformation.

For two days, the conference will dive into the pressing issues of disinformation such as the impact of Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) on elections, the new paradigms of generative AI, cybersecurity, and the role of communities and partnerships. We’ll also explore global perspectives, and the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Text sourced from Disinfo2024

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News Impact Summit: Fighting climate misinformation

Date: 10 October 2024 

Venue: Copenhagen, Denmark 

The summit aims to address how climate misinformation undermines public trust in climate policies and blocks progress toward a green transition.

Text sourced from EJC 

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Exile Media Forum

Date: 15-17 October 2024 

Venue: Hamburg, Germany 

The Exile Media Forum explores these and other questions. Once a year, we invite over 100 media professionals in exile, representatives from politics and aid organizations to Hamburg to discuss future issues, share experiences and network.

Text sourced from JournalismFund Europe

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The 15th Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film (MediAsia2024)

Date: 15-19 October 2024

Venue: Kyoto, Japan 

MediAsia2024 encourages academics and scholars to meet and exchange ideas and views in an international forum stimulating respectful dialogue. This event will afford an exceptional opportunity for renewing old acquaintances, making new contacts, networking, and facilitating partnerships across national and disciplinary borders.

Text sourced from MediAsia

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Date: 17-18 October 2024 

Venue:  Riga, Latvia 

Boutique, two-day media business event in the heart of Riga that serves as a meeting space for media professionals — managers, innovators, digital experts as well as editors and content writers. The aim of the forum is to bring the media business community together to share, create, and collaborate. Here, we will exchange the latest professional knowledge that will help discover hidden opportunities in the ever-changing media business world.

This year, we aim to make the forum even more interactive and engaging. With parallel workshops, more time allocated for Q&A sessions, and active audience involvement in discussions, we hope to facilitate even more knowledge and experience sharing than last year.

Text sourced from Reinventing Media

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Date: 20-24 October 2024 

Venue: Helsinki, Finland 

Epistemic Challenges and Democratic Accountability in European Media conference brings together an interdisciplinary community of scholars and experts to take stock of the current challenges. Two intensive days of invited lectures, paper sessions, and panel discussions zoom in on the new conditions of knowledge production, the responsibility of digital platforms, and the intersection of inequalities and technologies in a datafied and polarized communication landscape. How can employing the notion of the epistemic help us understand and mitigate harms and support epistemic justice and agency?

Text sourced from Nord Media Network

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Global Media and Information Literacy Week

Date: 24th-31st OCTOBER 2024

Venue: Amman, Jordan 

Global Media and Information Literacy Week is an annual event observed from 24th to 31st October to raise awareness and celebrate the progress achieved towards Media and Information Literacy for all.

During Global Media and Information Literacy Week, stakeholders around the world organize events and UNESCO co-hosts with a Member State the global conference gathering the Media and Information Literacy community.

Text sourced from UNESCO

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2024 Prague Media Point Conference

Date: 29 NOVEMBER 2024 

Venue: Prague, Czech Republic 

Artificial intelligence has come with a power to dramatically shaken our economic, labour, and information systems. For the media sphere, it means yet another drastic turn on its bumpy ride towards any prospect of renewed stability. But unlike many other such turns, AI may provide professionals with a reactive (and creative) potential on a more egalitarian and therefore democratic basis. With the hindsight of coming on to two years of widely accessible AI tools, join Prague Media Point in assessing the impact on and responses of the media sphere and journalism to the two-vowel phenomenon. Be that on the job market, school curricula, newsroom policies, media regulation, journalistic solidarity, and beyond.

Text sourced from Nord Media Network

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International Broadcasting Convention 2024: The World’s Leading Content & Technology Event

Date: 13-16 September 2024 

Venue: Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

IBC is the world’s leading content and technology event and your opportunity to connect with over 43,000 broadcasters, content owners, rights holders and service providers from 170+ countries in Amsterdam.

Energising the market, enabling content everywhere, and exploring new trends, IBC brings together the creative, technology and business communities to collaborate, learn and unlock new opportunities.

Text sourced from IBC2024

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RTS London Convention 

Date: 17 September 2024 

Venue: London 

Entitled Keeping our creative edge, speakers at this biennial event include Tim Davie, director-general, BBC; Alex Mahon, chief executive, Channel 4; Carolyn McCall, chief executive, ITV and Ted Sarandos, co-chief executive, Netflix.

Text sourced from Broadcast

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Citizenship in the Digital Media Sphere

Date: 18-20 September 2024

Venue: Valencia, Spain 

This conference endeavours to juxtapose traditional and emerging manifestations of political leadership, strategy, and agenda-setting within a contemporary milieu characterised by intense competition for public attention and ideological filtration. Notably, social media platforms have assumed a pivotal role as conduits for disseminating and discussing political information in recent years. The overarching objective is to foster discourse that critically examines the intricate interplay between these spheres in political communication.

Text sourced from Nord Media Network

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Stars4Media Day: Shaping the Future of Media 

Date: 23 September 2024 

Venue: Résidence Palace, Brussels 

 Stars4Media Day, the September event focusing on the future of media in Europe will take place on 23 September 2024, in Résidence Palace, Brussels.

This event is the perfect opportunity to:

  • Connect with key players in the European media landscape, from policymakers to publishers and tech innovators.
  • Learn directly from innovators who have successfully implemented pilot projects
  • Discover how Maison du MédiaLab, Europe MédiaLab’s democracy infrastructure, is empowering Eastern Europe correspondents.
  • Contribute to a pivotal discussion about the media business model in the age of AI.

Text sourced from Stars4Media

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INMA Media Innovation Week 

Date: 23-27 September 2024 

Venue: Helsinki, Finland 

INMA’s Media Innovation Week aims to step back … and connect with the Finnish ethos.

Embrace the changing winds of news media with a new generation of media leaders. Fresh voices devoid of legacy seeking to elevate and amplify journalism. To inject meaning and purpose into news brands. In a community and sweet spirit that only INMA can deliver.

Media Innovation Week in Helsinki consists of two parts:

Conference: Absorb unscripted, interactive presentations and discussions on the hottest media subjects in Europe today: subscriptions, product, newsroom transformation, generative AI, and commerce.

Study tour: Across two days, we will visit the leading Finnish news media companies and peer into how they are progressively growing audience, revenue, and brand.

Text sourced from INMA

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ECREA 2024

Date: 24-27 September 2024

Venue: Ljubljana, Slovenia 

Communication and Social (Dis)order

What is the place of media and communication in today’s globalized society, affected by ongoing social and political conflicts, wars, the systemic crises of the capitalist order, prospects of further environmental degradation, weather extremes and continuous pandemics, the restructuring of everyday life by the rise of artificial intelligence, and the epistemic crisis within which contemporary academia operates?

The ECC 2024 conference invites participants to reconsider the communication (dis)order by reflecting upon ongoing political, economic, environmental, health, and technological disruptions, their (dys)functional (un)predictability, and their long-term societal implications. While the speed and scope of contemporary communicative developments and social disruptions can easily generate an impression of unprecedented changes, felt either as a breakdown of the “old” order or the creation of a “new” one, this sensation is by no means exclusive to the present moment.

Text sourced from ECREA2024

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iMEdD International Journalism Forum 2024

Date: 26-28 September 2024 

Venue: Athens, Greece

The three-day forum will delve into crucial topics including press freedom, artificial intelligence, data journalism, reporting on the climate crisis, corruption, war, and innovative sustainability schemes to promote media independence. Moreover, the Media Village, a collaborative space where invited organizations create hubs within the forum, will provide a platform for independent media and journalism organisations to showcase their work and vision.

Text sourced from JournalismFund Europe

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European Solutions Journalism Summit

Date: 27-28 September 2024 

Venue: Vinohrady, Czech Republic

Welcome to the European Solutions Journalism Summit – a gathering unlike any other, where journalists and editors from across the continent converge not as mere attendees, but as active participants in shaping the future of journalism. 

Together, we’ll co-create an agenda that reflects our community’s diverse backgrounds, expertise, and passions, ensuring a multitude of sessions tailored to your needs and interests.

This summit is your opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and collaborate on driving positive change in your specific context. The collective participant reflection, an integral part of the unconference, will leave you with a renewed sense of purpose and a toolkit of actionable ideas to champion solutions journalism in your community.

Text sourced from JournalismFund Europe

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Last Updated:26th July 2024

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Catch up with our recent events

DIGITAL VIOLENCE | Issues & challenges for women in Haiti (French)

As a prelude to International Women’s Day 2022, PMA and its partners PANOS Caribbean, UNESCO Haiti, and Solidarite des femmes haitiennes journalistes (SOFEHJ) organised an event in Haiti on digital safety for female journalists.

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The impacts of COVID-19 on the Southeast Asian media landscape

On Thursday 20th January, the Public Media Alliance (PMA), in partnership with the Asia Democracy Network (ADN) and with support from UNESCO Bangkok, launched a report exploring the state of media freedom, media business viability and journalist safety in ten countries in Southeast Asia during the COVID-19 crisis, and an accompanying draft Media Recovery Plan. We were joined by media stakeholders from across the region and the project’s country experts to share their insights on the challenges and threats facing journalists and media workers.

Radiodays Asia 2021

Talking COVID – The personal Experience

Catch up with PMA’s session from this year’s Radiodays Asia, where we spoke to journalists and radio producers about their experiences during the pandemic and discussed the innovations and changes in the way we work that are here to stay.

Watch the sessions again on Radioday’s Catch Up platform.

Welcoming New Neighbours: How public media works for refugees and asylum seekers

As publicly funded organisations, public media must be representative of and accessible to all groups within society. This includes welcoming new residents, such as refugees and asylum seekers, as they integrate into new environments.

Catchup with the Public Media Alliance’s special online event as part of Refugee Week, exploring how public broadcasters are covering the lives of refugees and asylum seekers as they make new homes here in the UK.

If you have any suggestions for events related to the world of public service media please email PMA at