PMA’s successful Global Grants scheme is back, and they’re bigger and better than ever!

We are excited to announce our 2024 Global Grants, a unique opportunity for staff of PMA members to travel, teach and learn from other media organisations.

We’re also very pleased to announce the launch of our new Global Trainer Grants, which will fund specific training opportunities for PMA member organisations. You can find out more about these towards the bottom of the page.

What are the Global Grants?

We have nine Global Grants of up to £1,500 each available for employees of PMA members to travel internationally to another PMA member’s organisation (except to the UK) for approximately one to two weeks. You may wish to visit a neighbouring country, across a continent or to the other side of the world.

The Grant should be used to travel to a PMA member for a media or research project, for capacity building or skills development. The outcome of your trip must benefit your organisation and society as well as meet the objectives of the Public Media Alliance (PMA) and the Grant funding organisation, the Grace Wyndham Goldie (BBC) Trust Fund.

On completion of the visit, you are required to submit a short report, photographs, and an account of your experiences to PMA. Applicants will need to demonstrate within their application how the outcomes of their experience will benefit colleagues once back at home.

Introducing our 2024 Grantees!

From Bangladesh to Belize, Namibia to New Zealand, find out what this year’s intake of Global Grantees are getting up to!

Find out more!
Global Grantees
Find out what previous grantees got up to:

Applications are now closed – please try again later this year

How to Apply

  • Read through PMA Global Grant Objectives
  • Check your eligibility against the Selection Criteria
  • Read the Application Guidance
  • Complete the application form below by Monday 8th January 2024
  • Email with any queries

    • To develop the skills and knowledge of employees of PMA member organisations who have had limited opportunity for travel
    • To benefit PMA member organisations and wider society
    • To encourage networking between PMA member organisations
    • To develop new and better ways of exercising freedom of expression
    • To share good practice and knowledge between peers
    • To work on projects that contribute to and promote the Sustainable Development Goals.

    • Applicants are selected on the strength of their applications and on the creativity of their proposal.
    • Selection will be made on balance of gender and region.
    • Applicants should be mid-career professionals and must have been employed by a PMA member organisation for at least 2-years.
    • Travel excludes travel to the UK.
    • Applicants must ensure that they are able to meet all Covid related conditions for the country of travel before submitting an application.
    • Applicants are encouraged to design diverse and independent programmes, or complete a project for which the Global Grant is essential.
    • The grants are open to all staff whose organisations are active members of the Public Media Alliance (PMA).
    • The travel should clearly benefit the employee’s organisation and society.
    • Approval for travel must be given by the applicant’s line manager. PMA will also seek this approval before the Grant offer is confirmed.
    • Applicants and their employers must give a written assurance that the funded travel and project will be completed within the agreed timeframe and that all reports and accounts will be submitted within two weeks of completing this, upon return.
    • Applicants must give written assurance that they will return to their country and organisation on completion of the travel/project. The form should also be signed and stamped by the applicant’s manager/employer to confirm this.
    • The travel/project should be completed and reports submitted by 17th June 2024.

    • Applicants should provide a clear and focused proposal for travel and an outline of what the project will achieve and what objectives will be met, must be provided.
    • A well-prepared draft budget must be included with the application (including Covid related costs of travel). Successful applicants will be asked to submit a detailed final budget.
    • The Grant is for a maximum of £1500 and any overspend must be borne by the applicant or their organisation.
    • Applicants must research their project before applying, with a clear outline of which member organisation(s) they will be visiting and how this will benefit them and their own organisation. We strongly encourage the applicant to research and write to the organisation they are intending to visit.
    • Please be aware before making any arrangements that you have all the required documents and visas to visit the country you intend to travel to.

Application Deadline: Monday 8th January 2024 

Successful applicants will be notified by Monday 15th January 2024.

All travel should be completed and reports submitted before Monday 17th June 2024. 

Please note: It is the responsibility of the applicant to adhere to and ensure that any Covid conditions are met before arranging travel.

Any further questions please do not hesitate in contacting Keiran at

Trainer Grants

Our Global Grants scheme this year is expanding and we are excited to be able to offer 2 Trainer Grants exclusively to our PMA members.

These trainer grants will be used to facilitate specific training for members by providing funds to send an international trainer to their organisation.

Training could cover areas such as misinformation, journalist safety, investigative journalism, or AI in the newsroom etc. Trainers could be seasoned journalists, broadcasters, tech specialists, policy managers, communication experts, or editorial managers.

Application process: PMA will be in touch with our member organisations to discuss training needs and trainer nominations or alternatively please contact our Membership and Business Affairs Manager Clare Lilley via email with your ideas:

Applications are now closed – please try again later this year

Introducing the all new Trainer Grant!

This year, The Public Media Alliance (PMA) in partnership with Develop AI and SABC, are presenting a new workshop on Responsible AI for public broadcasters across Southern Africa.

Find out more!
The AI Workshop will be hosted by the South African Broadcasting Corporation. Credit: Dylan Barnes /


Keiran Turner, our Communications and Development Officer, answers your questions about our Global Grants programme.

The PMA Global Grant is an opportunity for employees of PMA members to conduct a project, explore programme ideas, network, or learn new skills at another public media organisation overseas.

The Grant should be used in a way that develops the skills and knowledge of employees who may have limited opportunities to travel.

The PMA Global Grants are open to all staff working within Full or Affiliate member organisations of the PMA. They must have been working in the organisation for at least 2 years.

Previous Grantees have helped to exchange knowledge between host organisations and visitors, encouraged an exchange of ideas in a multi-cultural setting, and delivered excellent programmes and overall skills development for the individual. Grantees have returned to their organisations with knowledge and skills to share with their colleagues and management.

Many of the previous Grantees’ stories are shared on our website for you to read:



This can vary depending on the objective of the proposal. Some may travel to neighbouring countries and others to the other side of the world. The Grant allows travel to a global network of PMA member countries (excluding the UK).

Yes. The PMA Global Grant is only open to staff working for Full & Affiliate member organisations of the PMA and must have worked for the organisation for at least 2 years.

Grantees are selected on the strength of their applications and on the creativity of their proposal. The Grantee must research their project before submitting with a clear outline of which member country and organisation(s) they will be visiting and how this will benefit them and their organisation. Selection is also based on a balance of gender and region. Read the Selection Criteria above for further details.

There are only two restrictions. Firstly, the Grantee is restricted on the duration of the Grant from 5-14 days (max) as the grant is limited to £1500 (max). Secondly, the Grantee cannot travel to the UK to complete their grant.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to adhere to and ensure any Covid-19 conditions are met before arranging their travel and accommodation. For further advice, please contact the destination and departure country’s foreign travel advice office.

There is no limit on how many people can apply from the same organisation. However, successful Grantees will be selected on the strength of their applications and on the creativity of their proposals, as well as on a balance of gender and region. Therefore, we can award one Grant per organisation.

This year we are offering eight PMA Global Grants of up to £1500 each.

No, but the Grantees must travel to another country where a PMA member organisation is based. The recipient does not have to use the Grant to visit the PMA member in that country. However, we encourage Grantees to visit the PMA member organisation during their time in the country as part of the award as this encourages networking across the PMA network, but whether they use their award to solely visit a PMA organisation will depend on their project proposal.

Such requests will vary on the project or proposal. In the past some Grantees have visited and worked within a department of another PMA organisation or they have focused on a subject or genre that they want to investigate.

The PMA Global Grant covers a return economy airfare, visa costs, accommodation, and subsistence for the trip.  A draft budget will need to be submitted when making an application.

Any overspend exceeding £1500 will need to be covered by the individual or their organisation. Receipts will need to be submitted on completion of the travel.

An initial payment will be made to you once you have received confirmation of your award. Payment will be made to your allocated bank account. The remainder will be paid once the final report and all receipts have been submitted (post-travel/project). Further details will be outlined in the Letter of Acceptance sent to the successful applicant.

Services such as dry cleaning, mini bar, changes to travel, and gifts are not covered.

Successful applicants will spend approximately 1-2 weeks in another PMA country. Reports, accounts, and photographs will then need to be submitted to PMA within two weeks of returning home (post-project). If you are awarded a Grant, then I can help with the timeframe.

All projects will need to be completed and reports submitted by June 2024.

We intend on notifying successful applicants by 15th January 2024 via a Letter of Acceptance.

After completing your trip, you will need to submit a short report along with 5-7 high-resolution pictures and 2 short videos or audiograms for social media that we can use on our website. A report template will be sent to you with your award letter to give you an idea of what to include in your report. A final budget and receipts will also need to be submitted. All this information should be emailed to me.

We encourage individuals to set up and plan their travel and itinerary themselves. This is an important part of the Grant and an essential skill. However, where individuals find it difficult to obtain a response I will endeavour to assist.

Yes, it is essential that I am updated on the planning progress as sometimes you may require an invitation letter and visas can take time to process, so I will be able to advise you.

Applicants must make sure that their employer has agreed for them to apply for the Grant. Also, both the applicant and the employer will need to give a written undertaking that if the Grant is awarded, it will be completed within the agreed timeframe and that all reports and accounts will be submitted within two weeks of completing the Grant project.

Header Image: Cameraman filming Floats and fancy dress costumes at a Carnival in Pretoria from the top of a bus. Credit: Sunshine Seeds/iStock