
The Public Media Alliance prides itself on producing a wide range of academic and research material

Having previously developed a key set of papers on the present state and merit of public service broadcasting, we aim to create an online knowledge hub which can be used to explore events, publications and research proposals relevant to the wider concepts of public service media.

By broadening our outlook to public service media, it will allow us to explore and understand the challenges faced by broadcasters on a global scale. Such challenges include diminishing budgets, the convergence of media formats and globalisation, as well as the perennial issues of independence and impartiality. Furthermore, it will allow us to understand the way in which broadcasters can further their public remit in a more diverse social and media landscape.

Our Publications: Reports, guidelines, documents, research papers & more, published by the Public Media Alliance.

PSM Funding Models: Definitions and examples of all the principle models used to fund public media around the world, including the household levy and the licence fee.

PSM Glossary: Definitions of 50 different public media-related terms.

PSM Research & Resources: A constantly updated resource of academic articles and research in the field of public service media.

PSM Worldwide: An index of many public media organisations globally, and the ways in which they identify as public service media.

What is PSM? PMA’s definition of what public media is.

Why does media matter for Development? A free four-week, online course exploring why media matters for development designed in collaboration with the University of East Anglia.