Political pressure to privatise SBC in Switzerland

Editor-in-Chief of SBC's Swissinfo.ch releases statement in support of the broadcaster's role as an instrument of democracy.

Concern for public media in Poland

Impact of new media laws leads to growing concern for media freedom and public service broadcasting in Poland.

PSB reform and media freedom in Africa

Two new reports suggest that PSB reforms have failed across Africa whilst media freedom has improved but is still precarious.

World Press Freedom Day 2016

PMA CEO Sally-Ann Wilson reflects on global media freedom and our concern for public media in Tonga

BBC launches new diversity and inclusion strategy

The new strategy aims to dramatically improve the corporation’s inclusivity and representation of the UK’s diverse public, both through the content it produces and internally at the workplace.

Views and Voices

An area of our website for the staff of fully paid PMA members, enabling them to access the Views and Voices of those around the world who are concerned with public service media.

PMA member countries show progress in World Press Freedom Index

With the release of Reporters without Borders’ (RSF) World Press Freedom Index, we take a look at the progress made by some of our member countries.

The challenges & risks for PSB in the digital media landscape

RTE's Noel Curran delivers lecture about the challenges and risks for public service broadcasting in a digital media landscape.

New public television service for the Solomon Islands

Following a successful feasibility study in 2015, the Solomon Islands’ national radio broadcaster, SIBC, is planning to launch a new public television service.

Zika public service announcements for Caribbean broadcasters

As the Zika virus spreads throughout Latin America, radio is once again proving its worth in crisis situations.