Media experts discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on the Southeast Asian media landscape

Media experts discuss the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on media freedom, journalist safety and media business viability in Southeast Asia.

RTV Slovenia

Threats to journalists in Slovenia must stop

The Public Media Alliance condemns threats targeting RTV Slovenija journalist, and the ongoing attempts to intimidate media workers.

Global Task Force

Unterstützung der Brüsseler Erklärung, einer neuen globalen Initiative zum Schutz für Journalistinnen und Journalisten und der Pressefreiheit

Die acht Mitglieder der Global Task Force haben heute ihre formelle Unterstützung für die Brüsseler Erklärung ausgesprochen, einer neuen weltweiten Initiative für den Schutz von Journalistinnen und Journalisten und der Medienfreiheit.

Global Task Force

In support of the Brussels Declaration, a new global initiative to protect journalists and media freedom

All eight members of the Global Task Force for public media express their formal support for the Brussels Declaration, a new global initiative to fight for journalists’ safety and freedom of the press.

European Commission

Insight: Promising steps to strengthen media freedom in Europe

The European Commission has presented a recommendation to member states on strengthening the safety of journalists, both online and in everyday life. This is a step in the right direction, writes Cilla Benkö, Director-General and CEO of Swedish Radio.

Press Freedom

Attacks on journalists by members of the public grow

As the pandemic continues, there have been a growing number of attacks on journalists by members of the public — even in their own offices.

Webinar: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Southeast Asia Media Landscape

Register now for our webinar on the impact of COVID-19 on media freedom, journalist safety and media viability in Southeast Asia.


Afghanistan: International community must work to ensure journalist safety

PMA calls on the international community to work to guarantee the safety of those who remain and to facilitate safe passage urgently for those wanting to leave.

Pakistan regulator

New regulator could further restrict media freedom in Pakistan

While PMA welcomes comments that suggest support for media freedom, we are increasingly concerned by the bleak reality in Pakistan as authorities tighten their grip on independent media and critical voices.

Turkish government continues to limit independent and foreign-funded media

Limits, fines, attacks, and incoming media legislation demonstrate Turkey's continued crackdown on editorial independence and pluralism.