PSM Weekly | 24-30 October

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

PSM Weekly | 17-23 October

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

PSM Weekly | 10-16 October

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

Press and media reporter in broadcasting event

PSM Weekly | 3-9 October

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.


Best of PSM | Multiplatform Verification

Using a combination of digital platforms and open-source data the BBC set about verifying the Cameroon military's disinformation claims.

TV cameras

PSM Weekly | 26 Sept – 2 Oct

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

PSM Weekly | 19-25 September

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

PSM Weekly | 12-18 September

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

PSM Weekly | 5-11 September

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

PSM Weekly | 29 Aug – 4 Sept

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.