7th June 2022
Collaborative media literacy programme takes off in India
BBC Young Reporter India taught more than 8,000 school students about critical thinking, fact-checking and digital safety, to improve media literacy.
5th April 2022
ABCQueer: Australia’s public broadcaster representing marginalised groups
ABCQueer is the Australian public broadcaster's innovative, dedicated channel for representing young LGBTQIA+ Australians.
16th February 2022
Public media and the fight for young audiences
Reaching younger audiences remains an ongoing challenge. Why does this really matter? And how are public media organisations responding?
11th January 2022
‘TAHI’ – RNZ’s new platform dedicated for young people
For many public media organisations, reaching younger audiences is an ongoing challenge. RNZ's new platform 'TAHI' is an innovative response to this predicament.
24th October 2019
Public broadcasters and youth media literacy
Effective democracy relies on citizen’s access to trustworthy information. But it also requires citizens to be able to make critical decisions about the sources of that information and whether it is credible or accurate.