TV cameras

PSM Weekly | 22 – 28 September 2021

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

Groupe de Travail Mondial

En soutien à la Déclaration de Bruxelles, une nouvelle initiative mondiale pour protéger les journalistes et la liberté des médias

Aujourd’hui, les huit diffuseurs membres du Groupe de travail mondial pour les médias publics ont exprimé leur appui formel à la Déclaration de Bruxelles, une nouvelle initiative mondiale visant à défendre la sécurité des journalistes et la liberté de la presse.

Online harassment Bernier Canada

Canada: PMA deplores online harassment of journalists

PMA joins CBC/Radio-Canada in voicing support for all journalists who are subject to online harassment because of the work they do.

JNI News

News of the nation: The transformation of national broadcasting

Read our report for the Judith Neilson Institute on the changing role of national broadcasters and public media in Asia.

Pakistan regulator

Pakistan: Media representatives “strongly opposed” to proposed media authority

Media workers in Pakistan continue to voice their concerns over a proposed bill that could grant the state greater control over the media.

Broadcast tower

PSM Weekly | 15 – 21 September 2021

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

bushfires australia ABC

ABC adds to Emergency Broadcasting in readiness for 2021/2022 season

Press Release: ABC has expanded its suite of content to help Australians prepare for emergencies this summer.

Inaugural event: Improving Conflict Sensitive Reporting and Journalist Safety in South Asia

Join us for the inaugural session of our conflict sensitive reporting and safety of journalists in South Asia workshop.

PTS World

PTS Taiwan’s New Frontier: PTS World Taiwan

Press Release

In September 2021, Taiwan Public Television Service launched “PTS World Taiwan,” an international YouTube channel offering a variety of programmes for viewers worldwide.

European Commission

Insight: Promising steps to strengthen media freedom in Europe

The European Commission has presented a recommendation to member states on strengthening the safety of journalists, both online and in everyday life. This is a step in the right direction, writes Cilla Benkö, Director-General and CEO of Swedish Radio.