Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world

Public media is in peril and facing many challenges. Social media platforms are presenting an existential crisis to public service media. Governments are trying to extend their control and influence on the editorial output of the broadcasters. Funding systems for many are up in the air. Journalists are facing threats, attacks and harassment, both online and in-person. But it’s also an exciting time for public service media – digital platforms provide new opportunities to reach audiences, technology means public broadcasters can be innovative in how they provide a public service.

Every week, PMA compiles all the latest news from the public media and media freedom industry. Have a story to feature? Get in touch!

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What are the implications of Israel’s ban on Al Jazeera?

Al Jazeera: Qatar-based network says action by Israel’s government is illegal.

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Behind the Information Iron Curtain

The Media Show: An information iron curtain has fallen across large parts of the globe, where access to impartial news reporting and information has never been more difficult. With the help of BBC specialists, Ros and Katie consider the impact of censorship and technological controls on Russia, Iran and China; how ingrained state disinformation has become and how it has distorted their citizens’ perception of the world. Our panel also look at attempts to circumvent internet blocking and state restrictions on free media, from the use of VPNs by those on the inside, to the innovative tactics adopted by outsiders who are trying to deliver truthful news to an often indoctrinated audience.

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Global Headlines

Click on the tab menu below to reveal the latest regional stories.

BOTSWANA: Botswana editors forum calls for greater inclusivity and consultation

Mmegi: We should not allow any division of private and state media! We should also shun State Capture of journalists and promote, jealously protect and nurture independence of the media and professionalism.

EGYPT: Under Siege: The Dismal State of the Press in Egypt

The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy: No improvement in media freedom is expected in 2024 unless necessary pressure is applied to the Egyptian regime or policies toward it are changed.

ETHIOPIA: Ethiopians support free media holding government accountable

Afro Barometer: Ethiopia’s media enjoyed unprecedented freedoms soon after Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed  took office in April 2018. 

GHANA: Is Ghana’s Broadcasting Bill Finally Ready To Be Passed?

Tech Labari: Ghana’s journey towards a comprehensive legislative framework for its broadcasting sector has been a long and intricate one.

GHANA: Private media outlet Class Media Group firebombed in Ghana

CPJ: Authorities in Ghana should swiftly and comprehensively conclude their investigation of the April 25 firebomb attack on Class Media Group’s office, hold those responsible to account, and ensure that journalists at the media outlet can work safely, said the Committee to Protect Journalists on Monday.

KENYA: Africa’s Biggest Media Summit Begins In Kenya (Event) 

Leadership: Media owners, chief executives, editors and other categories of journalists are converging on Nairobi, Kenya for the biggest AllAfrica Media Leaders’ Summit (AMLS).

NAMIBIA: Disappointment as Namibia loses top position on press freedom

The Namibian: Editorial interference and a challenging economic landscape has seen Namibia lose its position as accommodating Africa’s freest press.

NIGERIA: Minister wades in as condemnation trails FIJ journalist’s arrest

Vanguard: MINISTER of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, yesterday, said his ministry was working to resolve the issues, as condemnation greeted the arrest and detention of Daniel Ojukwu, a journalist with the Foundation for Investigative Journalism, FIJ.

NIGERIA: Nigerian police speak on detained journalist, relocate him

Premium Times NG: Mr Ojukwu, a journalist with the Foundation for Investigative Journalism (FIJ), has been held incommunicado at the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID), Panti in Lagos since Wednesday.

SENEGAL: The restoration of Senegalese news, “the audiovisual archeology of independent Africa” (28 April – French) 

RFI: While on the African continent, audiovisual archives from the 1960s are rare, in Senegal, for several months, four films dating from 1966 have been available again for the Senegalese public. 

SOMALIA: Somali journalists tackle climate change, environmental reporting

VOA: Marking World Press Freedom Day on Friday, Somali journalists continue to struggle with reporting on climate change and environmental issues in their country because of insecurity and the dangers connected to environmental journalism.

SOUTH AFRICA: A look at South Africa’s media landscape ahead of the upcoming elections

Global Voices: On May 29, South Africans will cast their votes to elect a new president. To grasp the current political terrain in South Africa, this article offers a curated selection of informative sources to keep you abreast of the upcoming elections and South African news.

SOUTH AFRICA: SABC editor-in-chief called for security vetting and polygraph before South Africa election

SABC: The Committee to Protect Journalists on Monday expressed alarm that South Africa’s spy agency wants to subject Moshoeshoe Monare, the editor-in-chief of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), to additional security vetting and an invasive lie-detector test ahead of the country’s crucial May 29 general election.

SOUTH AFRICA: South African journalists winning battles in war against environmental crime

VOA: This year’s World Press Freedom Day theme is “journalism in the face of the environmental crisis,” and a South African media outlet called Oxpeckers focuses on exactly that. 

SUDAN: Journalists under attack, media devastated amidst Sudanese conflict

Sudan Tribune: Sudanese journalists are facing a relentless assault as the country’s ongoing conflict between the military and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) continues to wreak havoc on the media landscape.

UGANDA: Journalists’ body wants media fund for journalists

New Vision: A journalists’ body has called for tougher sanctions against perpetrators of violence against journalists, saying it undermines the work of journalism and sows seeds of fear in journalists thereby deterring them from properly doing their work. 

ZIMBABWE: ‘BAZ should collect licence fees’

NewsDay: THE Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) should take over from the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) and be solely responsible for radio and television licensing, Marondera Central legislator Caston Matewu has suggested.

ZIMBABWE: Car radio licence now mandatory as Zanu PF seeks to secure US$73 million for ZBC

ZimLive: The Zanu PF government on Tuesday announced a plan that would raise over US$73 million annually for the broke Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation by compelling motorists to buy radio licences before renewing their vehicle licences.

REGIONAL: BMA’s View: Radio Broadcasting In The Digital And AI-Infused Ecosystem – How Professionals Can Stay Ahead

BMA: In a landscape that seems to be dominated by streaming services and podcasts, one might assume that traditional radio broadcasting has lost its lustre. However, in our opinion, the reality could not be further from the truth.

REGIONAL: Military regimes have turned the Sahel into a ‘black hole’ of information

RFI: In the central Sahel, journalists and reporters have seen their working conditions deteriorate ever since they were taken over by military juntas, international organisations marking World Press Freedom Day on Friday have found.

REGIONAL: Why a free press is vital for development in Africa (Watch)

DW: Press freedom is intricately linked with development across the African continent. Press freedom is protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, the reality varies widely, with many nations grappling with challenges to press freedom.

AFGHANISTAN: RTA Journalist Neda Mohammad Noori Detained in Parwan Province

AFJC: Journalist Neda Mohammad Noori of Radio Television Afghanistan (RTA) has been unlawfully held by Taliban intelligence in Parwan province for the past three days.

AFGHANISTAN: This Is What It’s Like To Be A Journalist Under Taliban Rule 

RFE/RL: Afghan journalists are forbidden from broadcasting or publishing stories that are critical of the Taliban. Reporters who cross that red line have been arrested and jailed, beaten in custody, or threatened and harassed.

AZERBAIJAN: The appellate court upheld the arrest of Anar Mammadli

Jam: In Azerbaijan, the Baku Appellate Court on May 6 considered the appeal against the arrest of Anar Mammadli, the head of the Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Center (EMDS). The court did not grant the appeal, as reported by lawyer Elmar Suleymanov.

BANGLADESH: Has Bangladesh gained anything by a restrictive press? (Opinion)

ANN: Free press was once used to hold power to account. Nowadays, it is power that holds the press “accountable”—not, of course, in terms of exposing the truth, but more in terms of colouring it to justify the pervasive inequality and plundering of the poor.

BHUTAN: Access to information and attrition challenge media

Kuensel: Streamlining communication channels and institutionalising media spokespersons will enhance transparency and accountability in Bhutan, according to the 22nd annual South Asia Press Freedom (SAPFR) 2023-2024 report launched by International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) yesterday.

CAMBODIA: Cambodia media calls for joint efforts to strengthen media development and climate resilience


CHINA: Beijing tightens grip on China social media giants

BBC: New rules that tighten Chinese government restrictions on the country’s internet companies have come into effect today, raising concerns about how they will be applied.

CHINA: China erases memory of ‘white paper’ protests in further threat to journalism

The Guardian: Silencing of a film-maker documenting the widespread 2022 demonstrations against Covid controls is part of rising suppression of press freedom.

INDIA: As India votes, misinformation surges on social media: ‘The whole country is paying the price’

Associated Press: Bollywood stars seldom weigh in on politics, so videos showing two celebrities criticizing Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi — and endorsing his main opposition, the Congress party — were bound to go viral.

INDIA: How India Uses National Interest as a Smokescreen to Muzzle the Media

The Diplomat: The Indian government is weaponizing “national interest” measures to close down reporting it deems critical of the Modi government.

INDIA: India opposition social media chief arrested over doctored video

The Guardian: Indian police have said they have arrested the social media chief of the country’s main opposition party over a doctored video widely shared during the ongoing national election.

JAPAN: Japan drops to 70th in press freedom rankings

Japan Times: Japan fell by two places from last year to 70th in the 2024 world freedom of press rankings, according to international journalist organization Reporters Without Borders.

KAZAKHSTAN: Kazakh Journalist On Trial For Voicing Support For RFE/RL

RFE/RL: Kazakh journalist Zhamila Maricheva went on trial on May 2 for an online article she wrote supporting RFE/RL’s Kazakh Service, known locally as Radio Azattyq. Maricheva was detained late on April 24 while she was out jogging and charged with distributing “false information.”

KYRGYZSTAN: Detentions Of Journalists Underscore ‘Rapidly Deteriorating’ Press Freedom In Kyrgyzstan (Watch)

RFE/RL: To mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has again called for the release of four Kyrgyz journalists who were detained in January and charged with inciting mass unrest. 


Civicus Monitor: Civic space in Laos is rated ‘closed’ by the CIVICUS Monitor. The fundamental freedoms of association, expression and peaceful assembly remain severely restricted while impunity persists in cases of enforced disappearance, attacks and extrajudicial killings of human rights defenders and activists.

MALAYSIA: Malaysia to collaborate with Asean members on media regulation — Fahmi

Selangor Journal: Malaysia hopes to collaborate with other Asean members to strive for better regulation of the communications and multimedia industry and work more closely as a bloc, said Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil.

MALAYSIA: Malaysia’s prime minister calls for ‘action’ over Bloomberg casino report

CPJ: Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim should retract his call on local private companies to take action against Bloomberg news agency for a report on alleged plans to build a casino complex in a troubled real estate development, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Monday.

MALAYSIA: The Battle to Restore Public Trust in Malaysia’s Media

The Diplomat: A revised code of ethics overseen by the government rightly raises concerns about press freedom in Malaysia. There is an alternative solution.

MALDIVES: Media houses face arson threats

IFJ: Independent media outlets RaajjeTV and Channel 13 were victims of threats against their operations, with RaajjeTV seeking police protection. 

MYANMAR: New Myanmar Foundation calls for international action to protect press

Mizzima: The New Myanmar Foundation has issued a statement on human rights to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May 2024.

NEPAL: Media freedom in Nepal

Kathmandu Post: Despite the constitution guaranteeing legal provisions, there has been little progress in implementation.

PAKISTAN: Pakistani Journalist, 2 Others Killed In Car Bombing

RFE/RL: A Pakistani journalist and two other people were killed in car-bomb blast on May 2 in the Khuzdar district of southwestern Balochistan Province, 400 kilometers west of the provincial capital, Quetta. 

PAKISTAN: Press Freedom Day: Why are journalists fleeing Pakistan?

DW: Acute security risks, intimidation, online abuse and severe financial woes are forcing many media professionals to leave the country.

PHILIPPINES: Philippine Media Safety Summit Declaration: A Call for the Protection and Safety of Journalists in the Philippines

Minda News: On the 1st Philippine Media Safety Summit commemorating World Press Freedom Day on May 3, 2024, journalists, media workers, educators, human rights, and press freedom advocates from Mindanao, Visayas, Luzon, and Metro Manila affirm that:

SINGAPORE: Wall Street Journal moves Asia base from Hong Kong to Singapore

Japan Times: The Wall Street Journal will shift its Asia headquarters from Hong Kong to Singapore, it said on Thursday in a letter to staff members.

SOUTH KOREA: South Korea falls to 62nd place in press freedom index

Korea Times: South Korea dropped significantly to 62nd place in the annual global press freedom index, down from 47th place the previous year. Meanwhile, North Korea was rated as one of the most brutal persecutors of journalists.

SRI LANKA: Sri Lanka’s press freedom plunge: Tamil journalists face surveillance, RSF warns

Tamil Guardian: Sri Lanka’s press freedom ranking has plummeted by 15 positions to 150, down from 135 in the previous year, according to the annual release of the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) 2024 World Press Freedom Index. The index compares press freedom across 180 countries and territories. 

TAIWAN: Taiwan moves up to No. 27 in World Press Freedom Index

Taipei Times: Taiwan moved up eight positions to 27th in the latest World Press Freedom Index released Friday by the Reporters Without Borders (RSF), an international non-profit organization that focuses on safeguarding the right to freedom of information.

THAILAND: Media groups rally for freedom of press

Bangkok Post: Two media worker groups on Friday urged the government to respect freedom of the press and freedom of expression as it marked the UN’s World Press Freedom Day.

THAILAND: The Active – Thai PBS, example of adapting to the Digital Transformation era (Press release – Thai) 

Thai PBS: Office of the Secretariat of the Senate Exchange knowledge “Digital Transformation” with The Active and Thai PBS and invite you to be a policy watch network to keep an eye on the future of Thailand. 

TIMOR-LESTE: Press freedom coveted in one of the world’s youngest democracies

ABC: Gaining independence only 22 years ago, Timor-Leste is one of the world’s youngest democracies but enjoys levels of media freedom that many other countries can only aspire to.

REGIONAL: Press Watchdog Paints Grim Picture of Southeast Asian Media Freedoms

The Diplomat: Of the region’s 11 nations, just two ranked in the top half of the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) World Press Freedom Index.

AUSTRALIA: ABC Parramatta Officially Opens (Press release)

ABC: The ABC has officially opened its new broadcast facility in Parramatta with key ABC Sydney presenters now live on-air from the site with ABC News, Audio and Digital teams joining them over the next few months.

AUSTRALIA: Albanese government could require Meta to carry news on Facebook

The Guardian: Communications minister Michelle Rowland won’t rule out strengthening the news media bargaining code to compel platforms to make news available.

AUSTRALIA: As viewers move to online streaming services and social media, do we still need free-to-air TV?

ABC: Fifteen-year-old Alek rarely watches free-to-air TV — but on the rare occasion he does, it’s to catch a game of football. You’re more likely to find him streaming content from YouTube or Netflix, or engrossed in an online game.

AUSTRALIA: Australia slumps in world press freedom rankings (again)

Crikey: International perceptions of press freedom in Australia continue to be affected by ‘hyperconcentration’, our defamation laws and threats from government.

AUSTRALIA: ‘News on Facebook is dead’: memes replace Australian media posts as Meta turns off the tap (Analysis)

The Guardian: Meta has refused to enter into new deals with Australian media publishers for the use of their content on Facebook, leading to fears it may again implement a ban on news content appearing on the platform. 

AUSTRALIA: What would happen if Australia were to ban social media altogether?

ABC: Governments and social media giants are facing a reckoning. On one front, the Australian government has called for Elon Musk’s X (formerly known as Twitter) to remove a video of the Wakeley church stabbing from its platform. On the other, it’s battling Meta to pay for Australian news to be shared on its platforms Facebook and Instagram.

AUSTRALIA & PALAU: ABC Radio Australia launches in Palau (Press release)

ABC: In a first for the northern Pacific region, residents of Palau can now enjoy ABC Radio Australia’s full service on 91.5FM.

FIJI: Media free from fear | Fiji improves on media freedom ranking

Fiji Times: Media freedom has truly returned to Fiji after Reporters Without Borders (RSF) — an international non-profit and non-governmental organisation focused on safeguarding the right to freedom of information — placed Fiji at an index of 44 out of 180 countries in 2024 compared with 89 in 2023.

NEW ZEALAND: Call for urgent action to save news

RNZ: New Zealand news media face “extinction within a few years” without urgent changes to media companies, and the laws and agencies that govern them. That’s the stark warning of a new report urging sweeping changes to deal with digital transformation and low levels of trust in news – and fast. 

NEW ZEALAND: If the industry is to survive, journalists need to convince the public of their worth (Opinion)

The Spinoff: A Koi Tū discussion paper released today proposes sweeping changes to New Zealand’s media industry. The principal’s key author, Gavin Ellis, explains how journalists have a key role to play in making others value their role in society.

NEW ZEALAND: Pacific media pioneers reflect on 37 yrs of telling the stories of our ‘parents and ancestors’

PMN: TV producer calls for Pacific material ownership discussion; emphasises preserving heritage, while show’s presenter notes changing news consumption due to social media.

NEW ZEALAND: Public broadcasting crisis deepens – Australia Has “Aunty”, why doesn’t NZ? (Opinion – Paywall)

The Listener: New Zealand needs its own “Aunty” – as Australia’s ABC is affectionately known – for the sake of long-form journalism.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Media policy in its final stages

Loop PNG: The proposed National Media Policy for Papua New Guinea is in its final stages according to the Minister for Information and Communication Technology, Timothy Masiu. 

SAMOA: Veteran journo challenges media body

Samoa Observer: Veteran journalist Galumalemana Tipi Autagavaia has urged fellow media colleagues to be transparent and challenged the President of the Journalism Association of Western Samoa (J.A.W.S.) to call an Annual General Meeting as they haven’t had one in over three years.

REGIONAL: ABU and ABC host biggest ever Pacific conference

ABU: The Asian-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) has held its biggest ever meeting of Pacific members at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in Brisbane. Co-hosted by ABC International, the two-day Pacific Media Partnership Conference was attended by 150 delegates from 20 broadcasters in 19 countries.

REGIONAL: Fiji’s media freedom ranking jumps, PNG’s plummets

Devpolicy: Fiji’s ranking in a global press freedom index has jumped into the top tier of countries with free or mostly free media after its government last year repealed a draconian law that threatened journalists with prison for doing their jobs.

REGIONAL: Pacific broadcasters call for recognition of journalists

FBC: Pacific broadcasters are calling on governments and organizations across the region to acknowledge the important work done by journalists.

REGIONAL: Tackling Pacific media’s crucial role in climate crisis and press freedom

Wansolwara: The news media’s crucial role in climate change and environment journalism was the focus of The University of the South Pacific’s Journalism Programme 2024 World Press Freedom Day celebrations.

ALBANIA: Albania Parliament’s Disinformation Committee: Welcome Vigilance – or Threat to Free Expression? (25 April) 

Balkan Insight: While addressing disinformation is a crucial task, the concern is that Albania’s new parliamentary committee could be just another tool to silence critical voices.

AUSTRIA: “Disruption” at ORF On and TVthek before the official ORF streaming start (German) 

Der Standard: The ORF TV library went on strike on “ZiB 2” on Labor Day

AUSTRIA: ORF Board of Trustees Chairman: “In reality, some people are interested in breaking up the ORF” (German) 

Der Standard: With Peter Westenthaler as the new board member sent by the FPÖ, a new tone has emerged in the highest ORF committee. Lothar Lockl now observes that “the ORF is being attacked, put down and bad-mouthed,” as well as “blanket defamation of the ORF and denigration of employees.”

AUSTRIA & GERMANY & SWITZERLAND: ZDF, ORF and SRF decide on new joint program highlights (Press release – German) 

ZDF: The program managers from the three broadcasters met – this year in Regensburg – for the 57th time to talk intensively about joint productions. Last year, the co-production volume of the three partners was around 132 million euros.

BELARUS: Belarus labels German state broadcaster Deutsche Welle ‘extremist,’ bans activities in the country

AP: Belarusian authorities on Monday declared that the Belarusian service of the German state broadcaster Deutsche Welle is an “extremist” organization and banned all its activities in the country.

BELARUS: The Human Cost Of Dismantling Belarus’s Independent Media

RFE/RL: Nastassya worked as a journalist in Belarus for 15 years until 2022, when the media outlet where she worked agreed to comply with the government’s demand that Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine be called not a “war,” but a “special military operation.”

BELGIUM: Allocation of newspaper distribution: an agreement with French-speaking publishers by the end of the month, assures Bpost (French)

RTBF: Bpost and French-speaking publishers will manage to finalize an agreement for the distribution of press titles by the end of May, said the CEO of the postal operator, Chris Peeters, on Friday during the presentation of the results.

BELGIUM: Belgium’s far right struggles to break through media ban

Euractiv: While polling suggests far-right politicians in several European countries will do well in European Union elections next month, in the French-speaking part of Belgium they face a regional media boycott.

BELGIUM: Inflation, paper prices, digitalization: the paper press is suffering, hybrid subscriptions are increasing (French) 

RTBF: The newspaper market in Belgium is in decline: less than 6.4% in 2023 after a fall of 7.3% in 2022. Among the findings, that of the landscape of French-speaking newspapers: with the exception of Echo , we notes a decline for all other French-speaking dailies.

BELGIUM: VRT and Smartschool are joining forces (Press release – Dutch) 

VRT: Teachers are now optimally informed about Educational VRT offerings via Smartschool

DENMARK: Danish journalists faced a surge in false advertising on Meta platforms

EFJ: Danish newspapers Politiken with TjekDek revealed last month that thousands of false advertisement campaigns published on the Meta platforms were targeting in particular DR and TV2 journalists.

ESTONIA: ERR chief: New TV house construction tender likely to be announced this month 

ERR: The Riigikogu’s Culture Committee has approved a proposal from Minister of Culture Heidy Purga (Reform) to categorize for funding purposes the planned new TV house at public broadcaster ERR as a building of national cultural importance.

ESTONIA: Ministry of Culture awaiting feedback on changes to ERR law 

ERR: On the back of the adoption of the European Union’s Media Freedom Act:, the Ministry of Culture is starting a consultation process for the bill which would amend the Estonian Public Broadcasting Act.

FRANCE: Guillaume Meurice suspended by Radio France after repeating his controversial remarks about Netanyahu (French) 

RTBF: France Inter comedian Guillaume Meurice was suspended by Radio France pending a possible sanction which could go as far as dismissal, after having reiterated on Sunday his controversial remarks made at the end of October about Benjamin Netanyahu, we have learned from consistent sources on Thursday.

FRANCE: Public audiovisual: the joint holding company under study at the National Assembly at the end of May (French) 

The Media Leader: The National Assembly has included in its agenda for May 23 and 24 a senatorial bill to create a public broadcasting holding company.

FRANCE: Radio France gives even more space to green advertising (Press release – French) 

Radio France: Since last season, France Télévisions Publicité has joined forces with this Radio France initiative and also provides advertising space on the France Télévisions channels and website for selected projects. 

FRANCE: RSF protests against the arrival of Xi Jinping, one of the greatest predators of press freedom

RSF: While Beijing considers defenders of press freedom as enemies of the state, the Élysée rolls out the red carpet for the main predator of press freedom.

GEORGIA: Georgian PM brushes off concerns over ‘foreign agent’ bill

DW: Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze has dismissed criticism of the draft “foreign influence” bill that critics say would muzzle independent media and rights groups.

GEORGIA: Georgians see threat in controversial ‘Russian law’ 

DW: The media landscape in Georgia is already divided into broadcasters that are close to the government and receive taxpayers’ money on the one hand, and independent, often cash-strapped outlets on the other. 

GERMANY: How should the German media deal with the AfD? 

DW: Whether public or private, German media outlets have struggled to find a way of reporting about the far-right party. Experts say it should not be excluded but some argue coverage should come with a warning.

GERMANY: In a Europe increasingly fractured, this project is betting on one-on-one talks as a way to find common ground 

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism: Hosted by ZEIT ONLINE ahead of the EU elections, Europe Talks matches people from different countries for conversations on seven divisive issues

GERMANY: ZDF and ARD are launching an open source initiative for a shared streaming network (Press release – German) 

ZDF: A technical platform for everyone – efficient, oriented towards the common good and transparent 

GERMANY & RUSSIA: Yulia Navalnaya to receive DW Freedom of Speech Award 2024 

DW: DW’s Freedom of Speech Award 2024 will go to Yulia Navalnaya and the Russian Anti-Corruption Foundation, Germany’s international public broadcaster announced on Friday.

HUNGARY: Pro-Orban Forces Test Powerful New ‘Sovereignty’ Tool Against Independent Media 

RFE/RL: It’s a naked truth of today’s Hungary that tangling with Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s political machine risks leaving journalists dangerously exposed.

ICELAND: Automatic subtitling with the help of artificial intelligence on RÚV (Press release – Icelandic) 

RÚV: Spoken language on RÚV will be transcribed into screen text in real time with the help of artificial intelligence. The service has been tested in recent months, but it relies on the automatic texting of the speech technology company Tiro.

IRELAND: Eurovision Song Contest: Protesters call for Irish boycott in picket outside RTÉ studios in Dublin

Irish Times: It comes after the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign has also written to RTÉ’s director general Kevin Bakhurst and the RTÉ board, asking them to respect the Palestinian boycott request.

IRELAND: Martin says she wants to move quickly after receiving RTÉ reports

RTÉ: Minister for Media Catherine Martin has said she received three reports about RTÉ over the weekend and that she wants to move quickly on bringing them to Cabinet and acting on their recommendations.

IRELAND: Media regulator to review election broadcast moratorium

RTÉ: Ireland’s new media regulator is to review the rules around moratoriums on radio and television broadcasts during elections. A spokesperson for Coimisiún na Meán confirmed to RTÉ’s This Week that it will undertake the review following a “clear” call from stakeholders for it to be removed in recent years.

ITALY: European solidarity with journalists on strike at RAI 

EFJ: Journalists at Italy’s public broadcaster RAI are on strike this Monday 6 May to protest against the “stifling control” exercised over their work by Giorgia Meloni‘s government, the journalists’ union Usigrai said in a statement.

ITALY: On Monday 6 May there will be a strike by Rai journalists (Italian) 

Il Post: It was called by Usigrai, Rai’s main union, in protest against «the suffocating control over journalistic work, with the attempt to reduce Rai to a megaphone for the government, the absence of the industrial plan, the staff shortages in all the editorial offices, the company’s no to a public selection for journalists, the failure to replace maternity leavers, the failure to stabilize temporary colleagues.”

ITALY: “We fight to ensure that you, the viewers, have the right to be informed in a balanced way” (Italian) 

Rai: “We are striking because information is the great absence of information in the company’s industrial plan. We will always be on the side of citizens and their right to be informed”

RUSSIA: Warning To Readers In Russia (Statement)

RFE/RL: RFE/RL has been declared an “undesirable organization” by the Russian government.

SERBIA: MFRR partners demand Belgrade court set Belarusian journalist free

MFRR: The undersigned partner organizations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) demand the immediate release of Andrey Gniot, a Belarusian journalist and pro-democracy activist who is being held in custody by Serbian authorities on politically motivated charges formulated by the regime of Alexander Lukashenko.

SERBIA: Serbian Media ‘Lost Public Trust’ Amid School Shooting Hysteria 

Balkan Insight: A year after a mass shooting at a Belgrade school left ten dead, Aidan White, head of the Ethical Journalism Network, says Serbian media made ethical blunders in rushing to publish sensationalist accounts without respecting the young survivors.

SLOVAKIA: Thousands rally in Slovakia to protest overhaul of public broadcaster 

Euronews: Thousands of Slovaks rallied in the capital Bratislava on Thursday to protest a controversial overhaul of the country’s public radio and television services, a move that critics say would result in the government taking full control of the media.

SLOVENIA: The verdict regarding Uroš Urbanija is entirely favorable to RTV Slovenia (Press release – Slovenian) 

RTV SLO: The court found that Uroš Urbanija, the former director of TV SLO, violated the regulations of RTV Slovenia and the authorization given by the former acting general director of RTV Slovenia. The verdict is entirely favorable to RTV Slovenia.

SPAIN: Terrorism investigation into Catalan journalist raises concerns ahead of elections

EFJ: The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners to express concerns over the terrorism investigation by the Spanish authorities of journalist Jesús Rodríguez Sellés. 

SWEDEN: “SVT has a position that obliges” (Press release – Swedish) 

SVT: It is certainly not SVT’s task to increase voter turnout. But it is our mission to make the audience aware and contribute to as many people as possible being informed when they make decisions.

SWITZERLAND: Press freedom under attack: our journalists bear witness

SwissInfo.ch: Many of our journalists at SWI swissinfo.ch have exercised their trade in countries where press freedom is under attack. A number of them have known what it’s like to work in an unfree media environment.

UK: BBC Radio 4’s Today invites listeners to be part of the programme in an election year (Press release) 

BBC: The BBC’s flagship morning news programme is inviting listeners to apply in pairs or in groups of up to six people, with either a written submission of 250 words or a two-minute video or audio recording outlining their idea for a story or issue they want the programme to focus on.

UK: Committee launches new inquiry on the future funding of the BBC World Service (26 April) 

UK Parliament: It is chiefly funded by the UK Licence Fee with additional grant funding of £104.4mn from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. Under this arrangement, the BBC World Service agreed not to close any language services – but this condition is set to be lifted in 2025.

UK: ‘I watch my back’: Spike in BBC World Service journalists working in exile 

BBC: The number of BBC World Service journalists working in exile is estimated to have nearly doubled, to 310, since 2020. The figures, released for the first time ahead of World Press Freedom Day, reflect press crackdowns in Russia, Afghanistan, and Ethiopia.

UK: New UK public service broadcaster streaming service Freely launches today

Royal Television Society: Everyone TV has launched Freely, a new streaming service backed by the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5.

UK: The most important days of the BBC World Service are yet to come (Press release – Statement) 


UKRAINE: As Telegram’s Popularity Soars, Is It ‘A Spy In Every Ukrainian’s Pocket’?

RFE/RL: Quick access to unrestricted information has pushed the Telegram messaging app to become a leading news source in wartime Ukraine. […] In Ukraine, though, critics worry it spreads misinformation and facilitates illegal actions. Some accuse Telegram of ties to the Russian state and of contributing to its war effort.

UKRAINE: RSF welcomes the return of journalists to Parliament (French) 

RSF: Journalists, who no longer had access to the sessions of the Rada – the Ukrainian Parliament – ​​since February 24, 2022 for “security issues”, can now once again cover political news from this flagship body of democratic life.

REGIONAL: Eastern Europe, Central Asia See ‘Spectacular’ Rise In Media Censorship, RSF Says 

RFE/RL: Suppression of press freedom rose over the past year in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, where governments with increasingly authoritarian tendencies have followed Russia’s example of stifling and punishing free speech, media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said.

REGIONAL: EU Media Regulation: A Fine Balancing Act 

Media & Journalism Research Centre: A new study released today by the MJRC examines how the EU navigates the delicate balance between protecting its values, fostering a competitive market, and satisfying the diverse needs of its member countries in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

REGIONAL: European media under attack from politicians, Reporters Without Borders sounds the alarm 

Euractiv: Politicians are the main threat to media freedom in Europe, with a third of member states being labelled as ‘problematic’ and even the ‘good’ and ‘satisfactory’ countries seeing their scores drop, according to Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index 2024, published on Friday.

REGIONAL: ‘Member states must introduce national anti-SLAPP legislation to protect public watchdogs’ (Interview) 

Civicus: CIVICUS speaks with Francesca Borg Costanzi, Advocacy Officer at the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation, about the recently adopted European Union (EU) Anti-SLAPP Directive and its importance in preventing abusive lawsuits against public watchdogs.

REGIONAL: The next European Commission needs to address information power

Euractiv: Ahead of a new European Commission, following June’s European elections, ARTICLE 19’s Mark Dempsey outlines a vision for a European Union where the information environment is open, decentralised, fair, diverse, and inclusive.

ARGENTINA: Argentinian government reconsidering state TV blackout of Copa América

SportBusiness: A national backlash against a government move to take matches of the Argentinian national football team off state television has prompted sub-licensing negotiations between broadcast executives.

ARGENTINA: Milei to close down Télam offices in Argentina

Buenos Aires Herald: The Milei administration announced on Friday that it would close all state news agency Télam’s correspondent offices in the country. 


UNI: UNI Global Union is calling on its affiliates in the media, entertainment & arts sector to support Argentinian unions as they battle to save public broadcasting in the country.

BRAZIL: Report highlights connection between violence against press and destruction of the Amazon

LatAm Journalism Review: “There will be no forest if there is no one to defend the forest.” The phrase is from Darlon Neres, a 23-year-old communicator threatened for reporting on illegal logging in western Pará, a state in northern Brazil. In September 2023, he had to leave the community where he lived and received a police escort under the guidance of the Federal Public Ministry.

BRAZIL: What Secom does beyond the daily battle (Opinion – Portuguese) 

Brasil de Fato: The work of leading the Social Communication Secretariat of President Lula’s third government involves enormous challenges. 

CHILE: President of Chile harshly rebuked for case of Francisca Sandoval, journalist murdered in Santiago in 2022

El Dínamo: “This Friday, May 3, the president [of Chile] Gabriel Boric led the inauguration of the 31st World Press Freedom Day Conference at the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center. 

CHILE: The fight for press freedom in Chile: legislative advances and pending challenges (Spanish) 

Biobio Chile: This administration distinguishes itself from the governments of post-dictatorial Chile by seeking a way out of a regulation of the field of Communications handed over to the market, which sharpened the economic, advertising and editorial concentration of the press ecosystem, as well as the deregulation of the profession of journalist.

CHILE: The unprecedented summit of the world press that brought together 3 thousand experts in Chile (Spanish) 

El Siglo: Around 240 forums and activities were held where topics such as the challenges of artistic freedom and creativity in the context of the environmental crisis and artificial intelligence, safeguarding press freedom in the midst of journalistic insecurity, perspectives from the world were addressed.

COLOMBIA: Colombia’s Revista Cambio denounces extortion for publication of journalistic investigation (Spanish)

Cambio: In an editorial published this Sunday, May 5, Colombian magazine Cambio announced a case of extortion and cyber attacks against it, allegedly by “an international network that defrauds cancer patients” and whose objective is to “erase a journalistic investigation that exposes them.”

EL SALVADOR: El Salvador falls 18 places in the World Press Freedom Index (Spanish) 

La Prensa Grafica: Regarding the situation in El Salvador, RSF maintains in this new evaluation that “since he became president, in June 2019 , President Nayib Bukele attacks and threatens journalists not affiliated with his government. 

EL SALVADOR: World Press Freedom Day: Lawyers and human rights defenders ask to respect it in El Salvador (Spnaish) 

La Silla Rota: In El Salvador , the new Legislative Assembly, dominated by the Nuevas Ideas party, will be able to modify articles of the Constitution of the Republic expressly. This, according to experts, poses risks to many citizen freedoms, including freedom of the press and freedom of expression.

GUATEMALA: Despite positive signs from new president, threats, violence and criminalization of the press continue in Guatemala 

LatAm Journalism Review: While journalists see improvements in how the presidency is treating the press compared to the previous governments, data show that threats, violence and criminalization against the profession – many coming from other actors of the State – have not ceased.

GUYANA & JAMAICA: Guyana, Jamaica, sign MOU for media cooperation

Caribbean Loop News: The governments of Guyana and Jamaica signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for cooperation on media, mass communication and public affairs on Friday. 

HAITI: Dramatic situation of journalists in Haiti 

Haiti Libre: As part of World Press Freedom Day, the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) reiterates its concern about the serious situation of journalists in Haiti, a country currently facing the greatest challenges to press freedom in the hemisphere.

HAITI: Haiti journalists call on CPT to ensure investigations continue into the deaths of journalists 

Jamaica Observer: The Haitian media organisation, SOS Journalistes, on Friday called on the recently-installed Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) to use its influence to advance the cases of the journalists who have been murdered in the country.

NICARAGUA: “The audience in Nicaragua maintains its trust in the press in exile” 

Confidencial: Lucía Pineda and Eduardo Enríquez: “Journalism is defeating censorship, and is preparing for the worst, the control of content on the Internet”

TRINIDAD & TOBAGO: MATT wants greater protection for media workers

Newsday: THE Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago (MATT) has called for greater protection for media workers worldwide as they go about their work.

URUGUAY: Uruguay’s UN human rights test: high standard record, strong media freedom and freedom of expression

Merco Press: ”We recognize the high standard of Uruguay’s human rights record, particularly its strong stance on media freedom and promotion of freedom of expression.”

REGIONAL: Americas: Political pressure increasingly threatens journalistic independence and safety

RSF: In the 2024 World Press Freedom Index, more than half the countries in the Americas region have seen their situation deteriorate, particularly due to the fall in the political indicator. 

REGIONAL: Grants, awards and opportunities available to environmental journalists (Opportunities)

LatAm Journalism Review: In Latin America, biodiversity is as extraordinary as the threats to the environment. The combination of diverse ecosystems and abundant dangers, legal or illegal, makes the environment a fruitful topic for journalists, with plenty of stories from Patagonia to the Caribbean.

REGIONAL: World Press Freedom Day: the situation in Latin America and the Caribbean (Spanish)

IFJ: On a new World Press Freedom Day, it is essential to review the situation in Latin America and the Caribbean, where restrictions on journalistic work often have a correlation of violence that has not been possible to resolve even in numerous cases. countries of the continent.

GAZA: Press freedom: in Gaza, between blocked access and decimated journalists (French) 

RTBF: Reporting on a major event while being kept at a distance is the current challenge for the international press in the face of the war in the Gaza Strip.

IRAN: Iran Files Charges Against Media Members Over BBC Report On Shakarami Death

RFE/RL: Iran’s judiciary has filed charges against several journalists and media activists who disseminated a BBC World Service report concerning the alleged “sexual abuse and murder” of protester Nika Shakarami during the 2022 protests.

IRAN: Iran Launches Online Crackdown Targeting ‘Moral Crimes’

IranWire: Security and judicial institutions have previously shut down popular social media pages. In recent weeks, they have summoned individuals for online comments critical of the government. 

IRAN: Iran Targets Journalists Who Covered Teenager’s Death 

IranWire: The Tehran Prosecutor’s Office has filed cases against Hadi Kasaizadeh, editor-in-chief of Maidan Azadi magazine, and economic journalist Asal Dadashlo.

ISRAEL: Al Jazeera office raided as Israel takes channel off air

BBC: Israel’s government has moved to shut down the operations of the Al Jazeera television network in the country, branding it a mouthpiece for Hamas.

ISRAEL: Israel to shut down Al Jazeera offices amid rising tensions

Euronews: The decision to ban the Qatar-based newsgroup marks an escalation in the long-running feud between Israel and Al Jazeera.

ISRAEL: Media experts condemn Israel’s move against Al Jazeera. 

The New York Times: Jameel Jaffer, executive director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, said that closing off a country to information, news and ideas from abroad has long been a hallmark of repressive governments.

ISRAEL & GAZA: Why impact of Israel-Gaza war has become harder to document

CPJ: Israel’s surprise attack on Al-Shifa hospital in northern Gaza on March 18, and the two weeks of fighting that followed, resulted in hundreds of deaths and a trail of destruction. 

LEBANON: End use of defamation laws to target journalists and critics 

Amnesty International: he Lebanese authorities must stop using criminal defamation laws as a weapon to harass, intimidate and attack journalists and critics who report on allegations of corruption in the country,  Amnesty International said today on World Press Freedom Day.

PALESTINE: New hub for journalists in Gaza will be a source of relief

IFJ: Journalists in Gaza will soon benefit from a new solidarity centre in Khan Younis where they will be able to access electricity, the internet and other equipment. It will also provide a social hub, and space for training and recuperation.

CANADA: French-language news in Quebec faces mounting challenges in the fight against disinformation 

IJNet: These are challenging times for news media in Quebec and larger Canada. More and more journalists are leaving the industry and traditional advertising revenues are diminishing, which in turn affects both the quality of news coverage, and media workers’ salaries. 

CANADA: Lisa Laflamme: In defense of democracy (Listen) 

CBC Listen: These are anxious times for journalism and democracy. As part of an event hosted by the Samara Centre for Democracy, former news anchor Lisa LaFlamme tells IDEAS what can and must be done to bolster journalism so it can better safeguard democracy.

CANADA: MiC Roundtable: Where are media dollars going? 

Media in Canada: Media leaders and marketers discuss the challenges they’re (still) facing when it comes to closing the gap between digital and traditional media investment.

CANADA: MTM Jr. releases its 2024 data on Canadian kids’ media and technology habits (Press release) 

CBC/Radio-Canada: In its sixth year, MTM Jr. shares insights on teens’ thoughts and their usage of A.I., new developments in gaming, a quick look at Snapchat, how parents keep their kids safe on social media platforms, the top types of video on YouTube and social media and more.

CANADA: Public Spaces Incubator unveils innovative concepts for better online public conversations and increased civic engagement (Press release)

CBC/Radio-Canada: Following the launch of the Public Spaces Incubator initiative last year, public broadcasters CBC/Radio-Canada, RTBF (Belgium), SRG SSR (Switzerland) and ZDF (Germany), in collaboration with the nonprofit organization New_ Public, today unveiled test concepts of possible solutions to transform how their websites, apps and other digital platforms are used for public connection and conversation.

CANADA: What “transformation” really means for CBC/Radio-Canada (Press release) 

CBC/Radio-Canada: An article published in La Presse today talks about a transformation project currently in development at CBC/Radio-Canada. 

US: ABC News President Kim Godwin Is Stepping Down 

The Wall Street Journal: ABC News President Kim Godwin stepped down Sunday night, months after a corporate restructuring that effectively stripped away much of her management autonomy. 

US: Biden Calls For Release Of Imprisoned Journalists, Including RFE/RL’s Kurmasheva 

RFE/RL: U.S. President Joe Biden has called for the release of all imprisoned journalists, including RFE/RL’s Alsu Kurmasheva and Evan Gershkovich of The Wall Street Journal, who have been detained in Russia on charges they, their employers, and their supporters reject as politically motivated.

US: Crisis at Columbia: A conversation with Jelani Cobb

CJR: Jelani Cobb is the dean of the Columbia Journalism School. He is also a staff writer at The New Yorker. For much of the past few weeks, he has been enmeshed in Columbia University’s efforts to grapple with a protest movement on campus over the war in Gaza—one that culminated in the takeover of a building and, finally, on Tuesday, April 30, a police raid.

US: Even if mistrust in news isn’t entirely reporters’ fault, it is their problem

Nieman Lab: In the United States, many conservatives read news coverage with suspicion or outright hostility. T

US: How a Tiny Chicago News Organization Won 2 Pulitzers

The New York Times: The Invisible Institute, a nonprofit newsroom with roughly a dozen journalists, was recognized for local and audio reporting.

US: Joe Kahn: ‘The newsroom is not a safe space’ (Interview)

Semafor: The Times sets the tone for American journalism, and Kahn sets the tone for the Times. So it’s worth listening closely to his view on this topic. He told me the paper is a “pillar” of democracy but not a tool of power. 

US: Media coverage of campus protests tends to focus on the spectacle rather than the substance

Nieman Lab: “There are commercial reasons why some newsrooms focus on the spectacle and confrontation — the old journalism adage of ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ still prevails in many newsroom decisions…But it is a decision that delegitimizes protest aims.”

US: Newsonomics: Eight essentials as California’s “save local news” bill picks up speed 

Nieman Lab: The California legislature now moves into its second year of addressing its state’s shrinking newsrooms. The cry of the Democratic majority is clear: “Save local news.” Yet those three seemingly simple words — “save”, “local,” and “news” — have slowed progress, as legislators parse how the new law may affect each of the three. 

US: Police must respect journalists’ right to cover protests (French) 

RSF: In one week, four journalists were arrested by police and four others attacked while covering protests on university campuses.

US: The adults in the room (Opinion) 


US: Twitch streamers are a go-to news source for campus protest coverage (Paywall)

Washington Post: These streamers make up an alternative media network, not unlike cable news, with round-the-clock coverage of major protest developments, negotiations between students and administrators, and police crackdowns. 

US: Watching the watchdogs: How US media weaponised campus protests coverage (Opinion?) 

Al Jazeera: Mainstream media has joined US power elites in demonising pro-Palestinian encampments on campuses.

US: Why are politicians so negative? (Hint: It’s a media problem) 

Nieman Lab: The press rewards negative politicians with attention, and that engenders more negativity.

AI newsroom guidelines look very similar, says a researcher who studied them. He thinks this is bad news

Reuters Institute: Tomás Dodds, who’s looked at 37 AI rules in 17 countries, warns against “rigid, top-down” principles and calls to celebrate a diversity of approaches.

Anaïs Charles: “We need to protect our profession. The truth is suffering” (Interview)

TellTale: After the interview with Belle de Jong, Emma and I decided it would be interesting to turn this into a series of interviews with fellow journalists. This could shed some light on how the people from inside the field are viewing how things are going, where they are headed, and whether there should be any course correction.

Attacks on press freedom around the world are intensifying, index reveals 

The Guardian: In the past year, in virtually every region, journalists and independent media outlets faced increasing repression

Debugging tech journalism

Nieman Lab: A huge proportion of tech journalism is characterized by scandals, sensationalism, and shoddy research. Can we fix it?

‘I’m unable to’: How generative AI chatbots respond when asked for the latest news

Reuters Institute: In this factsheet we test how well two of the most widely used generative artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots – ChatGPT and Bard (now called Gemini)1 – provide the latest news to users who ask for the top five news headlines from specific outlets. 

In a Surprise, Disney+ Becomes Profitable

New York Times: The streaming service added 6 million subscriptions and made $47 million in its latest quarter, helping Disney deliver stronger-than-expected earnings.

Protect Journalists, Everywhere (Opinion) 

The New York Times: Friday is World Press Freedom Day, and The Times is lending its pages to amplifying the cause of bringing home the hundreds of missing or jailed journalists across the globe.

Record Number of Writers Were Jailed Globally in 2023, PEN America Says

The New York Times: For the first time, China has more than 100 incarcerated writers, and Israel and Russia entered the list of the 10 countries with the most imprisoned writers.

Social media companies aiming to counter disinformation ahead of local and European elections (Listen) 

RTÉ Radio1

The new propaganda war

The Atlantic: Autocrats in China, Russia, and elsewhere are now making common cause with MAGA Republicans to discredit liberalism and freedom around the world.

TikTok Tells Advertisers: ‘We Are Not Backing Down’

New York Times: Hundreds of marketers and ad agency types flocked to TikTok’s annual sales presentation after a new law put its future in question.

World Press Freedom Index 2024: journalism under political pressure

RSF: On a global scale, one thing is clear: press freedom is threatened by the very people who should be its guarantors: the political authorities.

2024 World Press Freedom Index – journalism under political pressure

RSF: Press freedom around the world is being threatened by the very people who should be its guarantors – political authorities. This is clear from the latest annual World Press Freedom Index produced by Reporters Without Borders (RSF). 

ABC hosts 2024 Pacific Media Partnership Conference in Brisbane

ABC: Participants in the two-day conference, held on 29 and 30 April at ABC Brisbane’s Southbank offices, attended workshops, presentations and discussions exploring media freedom, digital transformation, disinformation, the future of news and gender equality in reporting.  

CPJ, 11 organizations sign Santiago +30 Declaration ahead of World Press Freedom Day

CPJ: The statement advocated for concerted efforts among governments, intergovernmental organizations, technology companies, and the journalism community to promote freedom of expression and freedom of the press as a fundamental human right and a cornerstone of informed and democratic societies.

Journalism in the Face of Environmental Crisis

FRCN: In recent times, the world has faced unprecedent environmental challenges, occasioned by climate change. This has resulted to a rise in global temperatures as human activities, particularly the burning of coal, oil and gas, has released billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually. 

Media Freedom Coalition statement on World Press Freedom Day 2024 (Statement)

Media Freedom Coalition: On this World Press Freedom Day, we, the undersigned members of the Media Freedom Coalition, recognise the vital and irreplaceable role journalists and media workers play in providing accurate information on the issues that matter and the challenges facing communities, societies and humanity.

On World Press Freedom Day, journalists are feeling the heat (Listen)

SBS News: Australia has fallen in the rankings of a crucial world press freedom index, going from 27th to 39th. The new listing from Reporters Without Borders has been released in line with World Press Freedom Day. This year’s theme is focusing on the role of journalism amid a climate crisis – but environmental reporters are not the only ones at risk.

Palestinian journalists covering Gaza awarded 2024 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize

UNESCO: Palestinian journalists covering Gaza have been named as laureates of the 2024 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize, following the recommendation of an International Jury of media professionals. The Award Ceremony will take place on 2 May in the margins of the World Press Freedom Conference in Santiago, Chile.

Press Freedom in Europe: Time to Turn the Tide (Report) 

Council of Europe: Press freedom was again a canary in the coal mine for Europe in 2023. Although the year registered a decrease in the number of killings of journalists and in violence against the press in street protests, the alerts published on the Safety of Journalists Platform show a growing diversity of threats, pressures and constraints under which journalists must carry out their mission.

Press freedom under attack: our journalists bear witness

Swiss Info: Today is World Press Freedom Day. The basic right to a free press is challenged in many countries in the world. China, Russia and Mexico are only the most glaring examples. Even here in Switzerland press freedom needs defending.

Sveriges Radio’s CEO Cilla Benkö gave the opening speech at an international press freedom event (Press release – Swedish)

Swedish Radio: Today, May 3, the International Press Freedom Day is observed worldwide. Sveriges Radio’s CEO Cilla Benkö opened a press freedom event in Berlin on May 2, which the Swedish embassy invited, as part of a Nordic, Baltic, Ukrainian and American collaboration.  

World Press Freedom Day 2024: Our planet, our press: journalism on the frontlines

BBC Media Action: On World Press Freedom Day, we’re celebrating eight remarkable projects supporting our media partners to produce trustworthy information and content that goes beyond news – tackling information disorder, bridging divides, building resilience and inspiring climate action.

World Press Freedom Day 2024: Journalists’ expectations in Australia and Nepal (Listen)

SBS Nepali: This year marks the 31st anniversary of United Nations Press Freedom Day. Journalists Bhrikuti Rai and Chhatra Shankar spoke to SBS Nepali regarding press freedom in Nepal and the recent challenges journalists are facing around the globe.

World Press Freedom Day 2024: Pacific reporters identify issues

RNZ News: While the world marks World Media Freedom Day, in Papua New Guinea, one of the big issues is the loss of experience in the sector.

Thai journalists can be better

Thai PBS: Today is World Press Freedom Day. Thailand also celebrates this important day designated by the United Nations.

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Header image: Babel’ by Cildo Meireles – tower of radios – Credits: Andrea de Santis, Unsplash.com