Former PMA President denied opportunity to speak in India

India is a country where freedom of speech has long been valued. But support for media freedom has to be in our actions, not just our words. Sadly, it seems that media freedom in India is changing.

PSM Weekly

Public media and the global decline of media freedom

With media freedom in decline worldwide, what has the impact been on public service media to fulfil its mandate?

media freedom

Geo TV blocked across Pakistan [Updated]

It is with great concern that PMA notes the current unlawful blocking of Pakistan’s largest TV network Geo.

Concern as crowd surrounds MTV/MBC in Colombo

It was with great concern that PMA learned that an unruly crowd had surrounded the headquarters of long-time and respected PMA member organisation MTV/MBC networks in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

TBC Studios

Restructure highlights ongoing struggle for TBC

The repositioning of two prominent journalists sparks further concern of government interference at the Tongan public broadcaster.

Focus on PSM | Maldives

Maldivian public and independent media has faced an uphill struggle in recent years after a period of relative gains between 2008 and 2010.

RTHK files complaints against censorship after rescheduled show

Hong Kong’s public broadcaster denounces censorship after one of its satirical programmes was pulled at the last minute to be replaced by the Chinese Presidents speech.

TBC Studios

Tonga broadcaster saga prompts media freedom discussion

Media freedom has come under the spotlight in Tonga ever since the prime minister threatened the public broadcaster over his dissatisfaction of their reporting. Our 2017 travel bursar, Koro Vaka'uta, went to Tonga to investigate.

Has Israel finally reached a deal over public broadcaster?

After a series of debates and amidst threats to call a national election and a general strike, the Israeli government have reached a deal for a new national broadcaster.

Media companies in Ecuador face sanctions for unreported story

The Ecuadorian government fined seven media outlets for not covering the opposition’s misconduct, which was deemed a matter of public interest.