SABC to face court to stop censorship measures

The South African broadcaster continues to be in turmoil, as protests continue and court bid begins to prevent further censorship measures.

Poland’s conservative government continues to interfere with public media

Poland’s government control of public state media hasn't faltered, with at least 163 journalists and media professionals being fired or leaving their positions.

Media professionals answer back to SABC censorship

South African public service broadcasting is experiencing deep unrest following a series of measures which are limiting the production of and access to news in the country.

Maldives government forces critical news website to close

The Public Media Alliance is deeply concerned about freedom of the press and media independence in the Maldives after a sustained period of government pressure upon critical news outlets.

UN experts express concern as Brazilian government interferes with public TV

Two UN experts on freedom of expression have commented on the recent Brazilian government agenda in regards to public media.

Media Groups in the Philippines seek better relationship between media and the president

Media groups wrote an editorial commenting on the relationship between the Philippines’ president Rodrigo Duterte and the state media, calling for better reporting, pay and protection for journalists.

China sets stricter broadcast rules for foreign programmes

Last Sunday, the Chinese government announced a new set of rules that put a tight cap on foreign programs availability in an effort to encourage local broadcast production.

Concern for public media in Poland

Impact of new media laws leads to growing concern for media freedom and public service broadcasting in Poland.

PSB reform and media freedom in Africa

Two new reports suggest that PSB reforms have failed across Africa whilst media freedom has improved but is still precarious.