Global Task Force

Global Task Force: Public Media Serving in the time of a pandemic…

The year 2020 will be forever etched in our minds. No matter where we live, we share common experiences of fear, grief and the suffering that comes with uncertainty.


PSM Weekly | 22-28 April 2020

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.


SABC: Informing, educating and entertaining the South African public at a time of crisis

South Africa’s national public broadcaster, SABC, has expanded its services to ensure that the public remain informed, educated and entertained amid the nationwide lockdown.

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PSM Weekly | 15-21 April 2020

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

US public media

Emergency funds for US public broadcasting

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting will receive $75million as part of an emergency relief package, which was passed by the US Senate on 25 March. This is a welcome package for some local stations but for others, it is still not enough.


PSM Weekly | 1-7 April 2020

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.

PSM Weekly | 18 – 24 March 2020

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.


Covid-19 and public media: Adaptation and contingencies

Many of us are having to rapidly re-adjust our personal and professional lifestyles to a world that quite suddenly feels very different. And such change makes no exception for public media.

camcorder outdoor impunity

PSM Weekly | 11 – 17 March 2020

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.


PSM Weekly | 12 – 18 February 2020

Our weekly round-up of public service media related stories and headlines from around the world.