Pat Harrison named 2019 George Chaplin Fellow in Distinguished Journalism

PMA congratulates Corporation for Public Broadcasting CEO, Patricia Harrison, on being named the 2019 George Chaplin Fellow in Distinguished Journalism

NPR CPB funding

Focus on PSM | USA

From funding adjustments to new streaming platforms, what’s new in the world of American public media? Read our latest round up.

NPR CPB funding

Trump to cut federal funding for public media?

Once again, federal budget proposals take aim at funding for public media, causing deep concern for the future of quality local news and content.

CBC North

Public media & indigenous languages

With 2019 being the UN Year of Indigenous Languages, how do public media organisations ensure the fair representation of indigenous cultures and languages?

NPR CPB funding

Trump’s budget blueprint: A real threat to public service media

For the price of a coffee, almost all Americans can currently benefit from daily, local public media content. But Trump’s budget plan would wipe out many of these resources.