March 8 is a day of rejoicing for most women all over the world. It is a day of bonding. Of connecting. Of rejuvenation. Of rediscovery. For CBA President Moneeza Hashmi, it also sees the launch of her own book, Who Am I?

who am i

It follows the lives of 20 remarkable Pakistani women – all pioneers and agents of social change. Written from the perspective of her own career as a leading figure in broadcasting, Moneeza Hashmi has documented the feminist movement of Pakistan.

She said: “We broadcasters have a responsibility to take messages of hope across the world and share a collective global vision of a world free of discrimination and based on equality for all. March 8th is such a day. To regroup. To rejoice. To reinforce. To move together in one rhythm. One beat. One chord.”

Happy International Women’s Day!