Slovak public broadcaster building

Slovak government pushes ahead with move to replace RTVS, dealing fresh blow to media freedom

The plans fuel media capture concerns and present a real threat to independent public service media and media freedom in Slovakia.

Slovak public broadcaster building

Slovakia: RTVS and media freedom under scrutiny

A climate of insecurity is lingering, as budget cuts and plans to dissolve RTVS into two entities were announced by the government.


STA needs long-term, viable and sustainable funding

Slovenian authorities must now commit to providing STA with secure funding, with protection from state capture and political interference. 

Czech Television

Independence of Czech Television under threat

Changes to the public broadcaster’s supervisory body sparks concern about the future of its independence.


Poland: Media independence and pluralism under threat from state-backed companies

Growth in ownership by state-backed companies reignites concerns that government is tightening its control over the country’s media.

Hungary Klubrádió

The erosion of media freedom in Hungary continues

This time, the country’s last independent radio station faces possible disappearance due to the non-renewal of its licence by the Hungarian Media Council.

Press Freedom digital safety

Independent media and press freedom take another hit in Hungary as Index editor is fired

The country, whose government is credited with inspiring media capture across Europe, has received yet another blow to its press freedom.

Poland TVP

The decline of public media in Poland

From pro-government election and coronavirus coverage to hate speech, there are serious concerns that the government’s ongoing interference will extinguish hopes for independent public media in Poland.

Poland TVP

Poland’s election without public media

Poland’s ruling Law and Justice Party has been voted in for a second term this week. Yet despite Poland being a representative democracy, the party’s strategy to “repolonise” and control the media is deeply undemocratic.

Poland press freedom protest 2016

Threats to media independence continue across Central Europe

“Backslide”. This seems to be the word most used to describe what’s happening to public broadcasting and independent media in parts of central Europe.