Marina Ovsyannikova holding a

Russian journalist fined after on-air protest

Russian journalist, Marina Ovsyannikova, was fined after disrupting state broadcaster Channel One by holding a sign saying “No War”.

Björn Löfdahl

Swedish Radio announces free-to-use daily news podcast in Russian

Starting this week, Swedish Radio will publish a daily news podcast in Russian about the war in Ukraine, available to all European media. 

The Kremlin, Moscow

Public media goes silent from Russia

A host of public media organisations have decided to stop broadcasting out of Russia due to safety concerns.

Global Task Force

Erklärung der Global Task Force zum Angriff auf Rundfunkeinrichtungen in Kiew

Die 'Global Task Force for public media' (GTF) verurteilt den russischen Angriff auf einen Fernsehturm und Sendeanlagen in Kiew, der offensichtlich darauf abzielt, den ukrainischen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern mitten im Krieg genaue Informationen vorzuenthalten.

Global Task Force

Global Task Force statement on the attack of broadcasting facilities in Kyiv

The Global Task Force (GTF) for public media condemns the Russian attack at a TV tower and broadcasting facilities in Kyiv, which is seemingly an effort to deprive Ukrainian citizens of accurate information in the midst of a war.

BBC Plaque

Millions of Russians turn to BBC News

Figures released by the BBC show millions of Russians are turning to BBC News: their Russian language news website tripled its weekly-average.

Kyiv tower

PMA condemns attack on Kyiv TV tower

The Public Media Alliance condemns any targeted attacks by Russia on the broadcasting infrastructure of Ukraine. We again emphasise that journalists in any democratic country must be free and safe to go about their work and provide citizens with facts.

Ukraine protests Warsaw

Statement of Support for Ukraine and Ukrainian Journalists

The Public Media Alliance joins over 70 organisations to stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, but particularly Ukrainian journalists who now find themselves at the frontlines of a large-scale European war.

Groupe de Travail Mondial

Déclaration du GTM sur l’attaque visant des infrastructures de radiodiffusion à Kiev

2 mars 2022 - Le Groupe de travail mondial (GTM) pour les médias publics condamne l’attaque russe contre une tour de télévision et des infrastructures de radiodiffusion à Kiev, qui semble être un effort visant à priver les citoyens ukrainiens d’informations fiables en pleine guerre.

KBS building in Seoul

KBS’ Covid-19 emergency broadcasting helps country’s pandemic response

The Korean Broadcasting System’s (KBS) emergency content has played a crucial role during the pandemic, as have other public media worldwide.