India: Space for media freedom shrinking

Recent censorship highlights the continuing pressure on media freedom and independent journalism in the country.

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Poland: Proposed law set to boost prominence of controversial public broadcaster

An amendment to the Broadcasting Act’s “must carry, must offer” principle aims to up the prominence of the country’s embattled public broadcaster.

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La directrice générale de la SVT parmi les cibles d’un complot terroriste : les menaces s’aggravent contre les professionnels des médias

Une membre du Groupe de travail mondial était sur la liste de cibles potentielles d’un Suédois reconnu coupable de meurtre.

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Targeting of SVT director general underscores severity of threats against media professionals

Global Task Force member was on the hit list of Swede now convicted of murder.

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Taiwan Plus app banned in China

The English-language service from PTS Taiwan was removed from the Apple App Store in November. It comes amid growing tensions over the media narrative between the two countries.

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Swedish Radio covers 310 local elections across the country

With Swedish elections taking place on 11 September, how will public broadcaster Swedish Radio cover them at a local level?

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UN raises ‘grave concern’ with Iran over harassment of BBC News Persian staff

The communication was sent by four UN specialist experts, who work on arbitrary detention, freedom of speech, violence against women and Iran.

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Radiodays Asia 2022

PMA members are eligible for exclusive discounts on tickets for this year's Radiodays Asia event in Kuala Lumpur.

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Czech Republic: Independence of public broadcasters must be insulated against future attacks

Joint statement calling on the Czech Government to live up to its promises to strengthen the independence of public broadcasters ahead of its EU presidency.

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“A strong team for a strong ZDF”

ZDF Press Release: Nadine Bilke and Bettina Schausten become new directors.

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