New RTVE board: Four months on

From funding proposals to consultations on its future, the Spanish public broadcaster has undergone significant developments since the election of its new board in March.

Protests Belarus

PMA condemns oppression of journalists and media freedom in Belarus

The Public Media Alliance vehemently condemns the ongoing oppression of journalists and media freedom in Belarus following the disputed election of President Lukashenko.

BBC head office London licence fee

Press Release: Protecting the licence fee

Boris Johnson’s comment about scrapping the TV Licence during an election Q&A demonstrates a complete lack of understanding about what public media is and how it is funded.

BBC head office London licence fee

The BBC and the UK Election

Effective public media is crucial at times of election. Trusted, impartial analysis and reporting is paramount to ensure that the public is armed with the knowledge it needs.

Press and media reporter in broadcasting event

Meet our new Board of Trustees

A warm welcome to the newly elected Public Media Alliance Board of Trustees.