Featured Reports

RFI Afrique uses messaging application WhatsApp to interact with audiences across Africa. Credit: RFI.

RFI Afrique: Using WhatsApp to disseminate news across the continent

RFI Afrique’s innovative use of WhatsApp has been found to reach audiences across the continent, push back against disinformation, and combat accessibility challenges in Africa.


RNZ CEO: new public media entity is “a bold and unique step”

The CEO of Radio New Zealand explains how the new public media entity presents an outstanding opportunity for public service media.

Colourful ABC logo

ABC celebrates 90 years

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is marking its 90th anniversary. What’s it doing to celebrate? And what does the future have in store?

Recent News

A driver for the Pacific digital transition roadmap

Tonga Broadcasting Commission’s chief engineer went on a successful fact-finding and supplier-shopping mission to this year’s IBC through our bursary

Bright sheds light on Zambia’s digital plan at the IBC

Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation’s principal engineer went on a successful fact-finding and supplier-shopping mission to this year’s IBC through our bursary

Syrian child refugees tell their stories: films for broadcast

Our Your WorldView is offering free broadcast rights for CBA members to three short films following the lives of children in Domiz camp

Kenyan newspaper launches mobile news app

The Standard joins Kenya’s news app scene for android smartphones

BBC confirms Africa venture and China deal

The broadcaster sets itself up to tell the African economic story, and builds on its natural history programming alliance with Chinese state TV

Caribbean broadcasters spark a regional digital discourse

From DTT standards to multiplatforming, the region’s TV and radio networks met to talk about the challenges and opportunities of digital

Content, convergence and the cloud: this year’s IBC

An overview of industry trends that are likely to come out of the massive media production trade show and conference this month

See you at IBC 2013

State of the nations: digital transition in Africa

An interactive map and round-up for Commonwealth African countries and transition to digital TV

All India Radio orders new shortwave transmitters

The national broadcaster has purchased transmitters capable of analogue and digital simulcast