Join us on Wednesday 17 July for a roundtable discussion with public media colleagues from around the world, on the subject of how public media can cover elections for young audiences.  

Staff at PMA’s member organisations are invited to attend our latest PSM Unpacked roundtable. In this session, we will examine how public service media organisations can create content for young audiences at elections – moments of peak democratic participation. What type of content resonates with young audiences? What barriers are there to creating the right type of content? And what are the most essential channels through which to reach these audiences?  

REGISTRATION: RSVP to by Monday 15 July.

EVENT: 0900 CEST Wednesday 17 July

Explore: Our previous roundtable sessions and resources 

From Tuvalu to India, 2024 is a year of elections – more people will head to the polls this year than any other year previously, in nations of all sizes..  

Election periods are critical moments for public service media, when their responsibility to foster an informed and educated citizenry is put to the most extreme test. Historically, public media have fulfilled this role very well, and during these important times, data shows that audiences do indeed turn to public service media for its offering of impartial, reliable and accurate news and information. But to maintain this position and standing, public media need to reach all audiences, and ensure their content is being delivered and consumed by all.  

So, what does this mean for young audiences, who are likely to consume and engage with news and information in ways very different from older generations? How can public media deliver the same level of trusted content, but package it in new and innovative ways so that it reaches first time voters or the next generation of voters.

Are you a member of staff at a PMA member and your role includes shaping and creating editorial content for young audiences? Do you work in a team which has generated specific materials for young audiences around an election? Or do you feel your organisation isn’t doing enough currently to produce news and information for young audiences?

Then this session is the right fit for you. We will bring together public media workers from across PMA’s global network on how they engage and educate young audiences during elections.

During this session, we’ll consider questions such as: 

  • Do elections change how public media create and produce content?  
  • How does public media ensure it is providing content specifically produced for young audiences? 
  • What does this sort of content look like?  
  • What platforms are best for reaching young audiences? 
  • What special initiatives, such as events or special programmes, can public media put on for young audiences during elections?  

During this session, we’ll also examine case studies and hear from organisations to explore unique approaches taken by public broadcasters from around the world.  

Speakers will be announced soon, so keep an eye on our website, social media pages, and PMA Update. 

Wednesday 17 July 2024, 0900 CEST

(Check your local time here)

The session will last around 60 minutes. 

Via Zoom.  

The session will be recorded for PMA’s records but will not be published publicly. Instead, a summary sheet of key discussion points, practical advice and resources mentioned will be made available shortly after the forum via our website and sent out to participants.  

Participants will receive a link to the roundtable meeting upon registration.  

Register your interest in PSM Unpacked:

If you’d like to participate in this forum, please register via email to

Please register by Monday 24 June. 

Featured image: Voting for election in front of black blackboard. Credit: selimaksan/iStock